Iam just back of laying the MP demo and I just didn't belive my eyes!
There was this guy called Lt_Colonel_Mitchel
and this guy just spammed on very wierd places.. like on top of the house with the Bath and on the Church Tower..
He said it was a 'bug' or something but He just knew were he was cause when he Spammend on the 'Bath house' he had a rocket.. and when we Spammend on the Curch he had a sniper rifle..
I just coudn't belive it...
I hope that the Patch for anti cheat will be fixed when the Full game hitst the stores.. and go's online..
Cause the last thing i want is that MoH:AA become CheaterStrike
KisSeS out.
114th.Raiders back u up!
Site: <A HREF="http://114thraiders.cjb.net
2e" TARGET=_blank>http://114thraiders.cjb.net</A>
Status: Leader - >>>
Gun: M1 Garand.