06-30-2003, 12:54 AM
ok Simo, thats how you want it too, then thats fine, but for real, you guys need to cut the shit with the religon talk. Dont you fucking DARE trash GOD or the Bible. Dont you even fucking dare. This is not some game everything before was fucking fun and spamm, I admit.......but once you cross that Religon line there is no going back and you really fucked up. Not only are you a little fucking Ass Whore, you are going to use the Bible in vain and you are going to talk shit about christans, which I am, and you really did cross the line on that one.
Simo, I dont got shit with you, so why did you put yourself into this? You got no place in this convo. How much were you paid to say what you said? 1 buck? 20 bucks? Or a nice Blowjob?? Yah well you need to get out of it.
And to Strik0r, like I said b4 dont cross the religon line EVER!
And to Innoxx, sorry it had to come to this, maybe you should have been less powerhungry and listened to me in the first place. I was calm and nice but you just showed me the door, ok you chose it so dont be mad at me.