Me like! I probably won't be getting it for maybe another week or two because stupid EA screwed me over. They cancelled my order because of some temporary credit card problem and they now will not let me pay the original price I bought it for. I got it when it was $39.99 and I used the $15.00 off coupon. My sister bought it for me for my birthday but this problem came up. We found a new place to get it from but they say it is out of stock! Just looking at that box is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How does the game run by the way? Both demos ran fine on my computer...
I must say single player runs very very nice with all the detail maxed out. I run a p4 2 gig with 1 gig of ram and a 64meg gforce 3 card. BUT lots of packet loss on MP for some reason. Don't know what is goin on but MP has been terible for me.
Hope it's just my provider. I have cox cable and they are changeing over from @home the same damn week MOH:AA is released just my luck
Why post this topic, when your making people who dont have it yet jealous? not me though. But a bucnh of ppl ive talked to
"Now i want you to remember that No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his"
-General George S. Patton
Not jealous here. I don't have it but I think it is coming in tommorrow. Oh, and if you have to pirate your copy of the game, go ahead, but just know that that is in my mind a sad thing. Can't afford to shell out, what, $50 for a great game. Oh well, I won't be stealing. I bought mine.