I was in a server today messing around with taunts and the taunts were cussing 1s like fuck you sir and shit like that i thought it was funnyyyy zooka:
What do you mean by that? I dont understand? BoB is not doing that bad. Why do you keep on saying that teams will quit? Just wait and see if they do, and if they do then so be it, otherwise chill out and go with the flow man.
P.S. A True swear mod will take alot of writing to be done, because you know all those people out there like to find ways around the mod so that they can curse. But I would be willing to make one. I got time on meh hands!
This has got to be the most pointless mod ever. Inserting the word "Motherfucker" randomly won't improve the game at all. It's only so Kids 12 and younger can snigger when they hear a rude word. hake: