Found my Carbine, Bren, and Enfield guns -
07-05-2003, 10:46 PM
Okay, this is for all you guys who keep emailing me... please don't do that anymore... here is what you have been requesting. I have made my guns and skins, etc. public. to get them go to
I have NOT made any readme files, nor do i remember how to insert guns into MOHaa. Don't ask me, ask someone else.
Note: bren is my work, carbine is a modified garand, and the enfield is from spearhead.
mohaa_rox, if you know the way to do it feel free to post the steps.
and as for the DoD game Sclass12, good for it, these guns i did about 9 months ago. and i found them last night on another computer in my house. so if you want them go ahead, if not i don't give a $#!& .
If i attempted to do something for mohaa. I wouldnt release bumpy guns. and ome of them look bent. I would put time into it. Know i dont want a flame war. I stated what i thought of him and his work[/u]