I agre with 100% of what you said there Kamil. I mean the second one does look like the famas. I could give a go at it. But no promises ok buds? I am just gonna try for yah. []Deace \\//
P.S. Yah I agree I love the sig bro, really is the truth.
Hey, umm what do you mean by converting the models? If you mean rip someone off thats not kewl and you should be hung for that. But please explain more before I start giving an answer.
and I am on AIM all the time. I usually get on from about 8:00pm to 12:00 cause I gotta work but yah I am on. Cyah round
Well, get in contact with the guy that owns the site where he got the pics from..
He's made 3D-models of the guns already, just ask him if you can use them to make them compatible with MoH:AA or SH and skin them...
Ez, aint it? happy: