I beleive everyone on this forum has read the 1000 kills in 8 hours bullshit post (it did get 51 replies)[Now this message is pretty much dedicated to them, assuming theyll read it]
I just want to point out how fucking high on themselves these ppl are... so you got 1000 kills........... IN 8 FUCKING HOURS YOU NO LIFE BASTARD.... plus your gay friend GAYKEVIN, came in here with his egoboosted whigger talk, with his *cough, cough* 2245 kills that turned out to be a lie, yet you still say you raped us all. ( BTW, its your choice, if you wanna be gay and rape men, well then thats your problem)
Hmmmm.... stange that he wasnt as arrogant when everyone found out what a big fake he was, playing 2 whole hours and getting 224/305, really really sucks. Not to mention that when i started telling him to shut the hell up in the game he started blabering out insults like nigger, and telling me he didnt expect much coming out of the mouth of a nigger... blah blah blah...
Man you guys gotta stop being so arrogant and shut the fuck up.