Hey. I've made skins for the {EFC} clan for a year now, but now that i'm being moved into an all (Vixen) company, I was like - 'Screw your military. I'm going to make Specialized super-modern Vixen skins.' I'm thinking ... matrix and trench-coats.
BUT I've never tried to put a Trench Coat on Manon (I could just put her head on the Tank_Commander ... but uh, no. I don't wear a size 44 sportsjacket for god's sake).
I just would like to know if it can be/has been done withotu having to make a new Model for it. I don't want to waste my time painting to find out that they aren't compatible!!
To my knowledge, you will HAVE to make a new model. I do not model well, nor do I know much scripting, therefore I can be wrong. But I am about 95% sure that you will have to make new models.
Naa, but thanks. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to waste my time. I tend to do a lot of super-detail, and I just wanted to be sure the TCoat would show up!
Hell, I didn't even READ anything above the pyskotic fella's post. Didn't notice it, much regrets.
So - I did my detail work to realize for myself that You have to make a new model. And it's a personal skin, so I don't want to fuggin' run around with a guy's body.
Anybody gonna give Mannon w/ Trenchcoat Model a try? I can skin, I can't model for sheisse tho.
Try contacting SGT Kia. He has done alot of player modeling in the past. You can send him a Private Message by clicking [url=http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/privmsg.php?mode=post&u=13863:96356]here[/url:96356].