KISS MY ASS! I wouldnt do another request for this fucked up forum if my life depended on it. I had 1 request and did anyone try it? NOOOOO! so fuck off. good luck gettin one because me and hobbs are about the only 2 that understand how to edit reloads, and hobbs dont come here no more, and im drunk and pissed off that noone even tried my shit after all the requests ive filled. you people are mooching bastards. Innoxx and strikor are right, im so fuckin pissed off I cant stand it. all of these skinners coming onto this foru everyday...see a request by me...and blow the shit off. one many of you are using one of my mods now?
once again..sorry to Innoxx and Zoner. I know what i put here was wrong but just look at this bullshit. after all ive done for the mooching bastards and not one of them tries the one thing I ask. its ridiculous. sorry anyway. you can ban me if ya like. I'll understand. but I am plain pissed about this.
just hang out in offtopic deleto. few people ever remember my modding on mms. i mostly made finnish gun skins heh. but mms is a forum that needs to be deleted, imo. thats why i left modding (partly because i sucked at it lol)
Deleto, come on over to TMT and the HitP mod we could always use a good weapons modeler. I think the tommy gun, carbine and SPR sniper you did are great, and we still need a M3 greasegun cause we are going for a class system and need a bigger varity of weapons too choose from for the different classes.