[quote=":Hybrid:":d3d94]shit i didnt get nothin for signing up....[/quote:d3d94]
can you see the secret aa.com forum? i installed a bunch of fun scripts and new smileys for you guys to have fun with. happy:
Do you remember when John was telling people his story of Jesus? (1John 1: 1-4) John told people his story was real because he had seen it with his own eyes and touched it with his own hands. John also said he couldn't help but tell his story of Jesus because he wanted other people to have what he had. What he had was joy; not only in having Jesus
himself but joy in sharing his story of Jesus.
That's what you should realize. If you look at your life and the lives of your friends, you've seen Jesus with your own eyes and you've touched Him with your hands. Your story is real. If you want other teens to have what you have, it's time to start sharing your story. God wants everyone you know to have the joy you have and sharing your story will bring you even more joy. Everybody wins!