Uninstall the drivers. All of them, back to basic windows drivers. Then go and get the latest ones for your card from the manufacturer's website. Do NOT let Windows update them.
yup, i had the same problem, and i run Radeon 9500 Pro, yet there was still a portion of the screen that was able to be viewed, your best bet is to reinstall the game, or follow Wolf-Wans Advice
the type of screen shot program may like mess up with moh or so i have heard try and download this program and see what happens go http://www.download.com and search for print screen.
hmm, i use mohaa....also i recored with fraps 99 and it was black as well....a friend told me to look for Antalising in my video card's settings and to turn it off..so far it works but i get a black screen ever now and then :-) but thanx for the help guys :-)
Doesnt anyone use F12 for screenies anymore lol
it sounds like the gamma is messed up do check in the program you use to view screens that gamma isnt to bad hard to say cos i use psp and get dark screens but visible but cant be bothered messin round yet
but in psp 7 goto file go down to preferences monitor gamma and adjust to taste also try tweaking other settings
people listen up, there is 1 solution to completley fix this problem.
1. right click on your desktop and go to properties
2. click the settings tab
3. click the advanced button
4. click on the OpenGL tab
5. where it says Main Settings, drag the little arrow all the way to the left so its under performance
6. click on the Direct3D tab
7. where it says Main Settings, drag the little arrow all the way to the left so its under performance
8. click apply
9. click ok
10. go play moh and test it out, if it doesnt work hit me up on AIM (snwboarddude420) and ill fix u up, i had the same problem and have helped like 10 people with the same problem.
the problem is that mohaa doesnt run good with anti-ailising on Radeon cards.