I have the Logitech IFEEL Mouse Man, and the force feed back works great with the full game. You feel it when you fire weapons and switching between them. Also when a objective is listed (you know how it clicks, well it also makes the mouse vibrate too) The MP40 really has a great kick back. Just wait till you try it out.
Big Thank to 2015 for adding mouse force feed back, IT ROCKS!!!!!
I have the MouseMan. Its the big brother of the IFEEL Family. Plus its Optical. No need to clean the ball.
Not many games support IFEEL. Tribes 2, Operation Flashpoint, Black & White and now MoH are the ones I bought so far that have support for it out of the box. There are some patches for some games too like Unreal and Half Life that add support.
I love the ifeel mouse. It has everything you want in an optical mouse, plus the force feedback. (which if you don't like, you can tone down or even turn off)
For me, force feedback adds tremendously to MOH, much more so than in Tribes 2 for instance.
The effects are appropriate without being overwhelming; they are not strong enough to effect my aim, but strong enough so that another level of immersion is achieved.
My favorite effect is when i get hit. The feeling of being jerked off balance by the shot is perfectly implemented with the ifeel mouse.
I wonder if Ifeel mouseman is discontinued because I can not find it anywhere. Its not even on the logitech's site anymore. The only one they have is the three button one which I really dont want. If anyone know what the deal is with mouseman let me know. Maybe they are coming out with the new version of it.