-console commands to limit every class of weapon(maybe by default limit snipers and rockets to 1 for every 5 men)
-limit to 3 grenades
-get rid of the easy cheat console commands
-garand should be more powerful(i mean cmon)
-a voting gui
in my perfect world thats what the patch would include, what about u guys.
We just had to drop console after the vote was enabled (& i dont know how it was)then after dropping console we all entered--- vote yes & the Sys op kicked the person
Bone's Heal, Pain Is Fleeting, Chick's Dig Scar's & Glory Is Forever
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jesta: Garand is good enough. Learn how to use it; it takes skill.
You want to see a gun that sucks? Look at the Mauser 98k (standard German rifle).
They can't upgrade the Garand too much because the Mauser 98k already blows chunks as it is..
bah! The mauser kicks @$$ u guys and ur garrnas all u doing is making ur skill go down the crapper. u guys take 8 shots to take me down while i shoot 1.