Location: On the phone with badscript. ..what's that badscript? No I won't have sex with you to ban joe!
07-18-2003, 06:03 PM
plenty of games can "look good" but still suck ass. spearhead "looks good" on 4x anti aliasing yet it still sucks. graphics have little impact on how fun the gameplay is. i would think even a child could understand that.
catalyst, activision doesn't make anything they publish the game. just like ea didn't make mohaa. hence the 2015 logo.
in the movies the gameplay was like mohaa but it had ironsite and he was using an m1 carbine. if the gameplay was diff from mohaa whywould you be on aa.com. and spearhead is OK not da best ive just been playing it alot lately for some reason and owning with me lee-enfeld.
Location: On the phone with badscript. ..what's that badscript? No I won't have sex with you to ban joe!
07-18-2003, 06:08 PM
what the fuck are you talking about? i'm in the offtopic section if you haven't noticed.
i didn't know the gameplay was a lot like moh, i heard it was based on the rtcw modification of q3. well that means it will be even worse than i expected. don't you n00bs ever get tired of the same rambo-style "war game" after another?
but i guess we are all entitled to our own oppinion when it comes to likable games and all of that. but i just dont like when people like you cant respect the work that people put into this game and many more im sure.
they overcharge for everything thats why microsoft sucks. and id rather use my linux but i cant game on linux. anyway back on topic. something about screenshots
Those screenies are about forever old. Anyone interested in the game should go to http://www.cod.org and look for more info. Not a shameless plug, just the best CoD site out.
yeah, I have to disagree with ACE, but Strikor, what I meant about Activision is that they will most likely support the game with patches/Punkbuster unlike EA.
I don't know about you, but I love MOHAA, but the cheating is ruining it, with PB and better graphics, and more guns and features, this basically fixes all the problems lots of people have with MOHAA, so I think it will be pretty good.