Ahh I don't know if there's been topics about this, but fuck it. Sites too slow to search for me.
Anyone here got SWG?! I usually hate RPG's or MMO's because of the whole fight style and shit. I couldn't stand watching my freinds play Diablo or Ultima, bleh! Lately though I made the worthwhile investment of buying Star Wars Galaxies! THIS GAME FUCKING ROCKS! Anyone who's on the Ahazi server look me up. My name on there is DeathsHead. I'm starting as a scout to be a bounty hunter though. Help me kick some ass too!
I guess you dont get to choose your server then ..
Yes, you do.
Ferich, go on the Radiant server. I'm addicted to this game right now, sadly enough, I play it a good 2 hours a day at least. The disconnections are very rare now, they seem to have fixed alot of crashes and server stability issues.
Strik0r, if Ferich comes to Radiant any chance of you making a character there?
Location: On the phone with badscript. ..what's that badscript? No I won't have sex with you to ban joe!
07-25-2003, 05:38 PM
bah you should just come to wanderhome, i can't create a new character because the mouse click never registers and it just sends me back to select a character screen
least i got my 260 battle fatigue taken care of, now there's just the 400 woundes...
Im not buying this game for the same reason im not playing WWII Online and thats because i have to pay to play it... Screw that Im already getting ass raped for paying $50 for a cd, manuel, and a box, im not gona pay any more money to play it.
ZABRAK OWNS ALL! I'm working on my Master Scout and Master Marksman. After that I become bounty hunter and will work on my medic and bralwer skills! Whenever I get in a fight I switch between my rifle,carbine and pistol to gain some skills. I'm still not sure on how the whole BF wounds and points work