ok, im trying to find a good vice city site that has patches ect. also anyone else have problems on the mission "the job" where you rob the bank? we all get in the car but it keeps telling us to get in the car. so i thought id try a patch but i cant find it anywhere.
i know what ya mean. took me a long time too. but i found every mission so far to have a good plot to it. only bad thing iv seen so far is the ones that you do when you buy the club those 4 are the dumbest of them all, first off you have to race a guy & beat him before he will drive for you, they give you a shitty car compared to his & they send the cops after only you. then if thats not dumb enough, if you drive better than him why would you want him? well after about 500 attempts i beat that one only to do next one "the job" where for some reason the odd time when doing the mission it dosent relize were all in the car, it just keeps telling us to get in the car. if you manage to get past that you have to go across the city & do a real dumb robbery, i tried shooting a few hostages once & it erupted into a brawl, everyone was punching everyone, even the hostages were fighting each other. ithas got to be the dumest mission set iv seen so far in the game. dumb plot, buggy, badly made. im just praying to get past this last one.