Originally Posted by DeadlySiner
AND please tell me ALL u guys go out and buy all your thousands of dollars worth of software and INNOX or however you want to say it STFU i could care less about u moderating these forums you should really be PROUD of yourself ever since u became mod of these forums a number of ppl have left and yes u may have a lil fan club of some 13 yr old kids but your fan club doesnt consist of any body that ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTES to the MOHAA WORLD . These forums are for posting maps mods and skins and also for HELP or ANY QUESTIONS associated with them which is exactly what was posted a SIMPLE question... NO NEED FOR A SMART ASS REMARK
How old are u anyway GROW UP
Whether you like it or not, warez is illegal. Even mentioning it on these boards will most likely turn into a ban, you weren't exactly subtle about it either. Whether I download programs or not has no bearing on here whatsoever. You should have at least sent him an email or something, you dumb-fuck.
Siner, I love you man. I really do. That's why it's gonna hurt me when I ban your welfare ass. The MOHAA "world" is for the most part, dead and there's no hope of revival. I don't get proud from being mod, in fact sometimes it's a real bitch. Those people who left deserved it. Whether they got banned or left on their own accord, I haven't had any regrets.
Besides, this is and internet forum and that's what it will always be. I fucking hate it when shitheads get all dramatic over this shit. When I get off my computer I am John, not Innoxx. I am not a flaming peckerwood, I am a normal guy trying to scratch out a living for myself.
It's people who get genuinely pissed over something on the interent that worry me. Fuck, I bet if I flammed one of you genetic cocksuckers long enough you'd jump off a fucking railroad bridge (which would be an unemployment solution right there). So please Siner, go for a walk.
Anywho, I didn't mean to rant. All I'm saying is chill the fuck out.