Yup, the aircrafts, especially the HO-iX... that airplane is sick cause it's so freaking thing and it's like alien technology in WOrld War II... which the german really does have by the way
Location: On the phone with badscript. ..what's that badscript? No I won't have sex with you to ban joe!
08-08-2003, 03:59 PM
mixing pure arcade and trying to keep things accurate doesn't
hell look at et for example. did the thompson shoot 400 rpm and need to be charged on reload? no. did the m1911a1 hold 8 rounds? no. was a silenced garand the main sniper weapon in the war? of course not, they didn't make a lame attempt to keep things accurate in a total arcade environment *cough* 2015 *cough*
i played tribes for 5 years. rocket launchers, jetpacks & funny looking aircraft...who knows it will probably be better than tribes 2 at least oOo:
i bought rtr just so that i would never have to worry about bf1942 no cds ever again, so if you guys want to have to froget about those no cd mods then its the thing to do, spend $30 & i you get the full game & the expansion & never have to worry about no cd's again. il try the demo to see what its like.
ACK! thats fucking horrable. i get major fps lag even though it registeres as 40fps. i mean i dont get as much lag playing dc with 40 people than i do playing 15 AI people. that was horrable. btw the jeeps drive like shit. i cant find the planes.
[quote="Sargent_Scrotum":b93ec]ACK! thats fucking horrable. i get major fps lag even though it registeres as 40fps. i mean i dont get as much lag playing dc with 40 people than i do playing 15 AI people. that was horrable. btw the jeeps drive like shit. i cant find the planes.[/quote:b93ec]