Cloud and reaper are the main guys at the moment (plus a few other people). One of them can probably contact you. I just sorta came up with the idea =\ I would help but I'm not too good at modding. Custom avatars, healthbars, and compass would be a good idea.
dude cloud we r da leaders woohoo! cool: anyway glad to see so many ppl participatiin. cloud keep us informed wit da map, and that name is kool. make a website if ya want i dont care biggrin:
well, i am 90% on it.....there is 1 part where i messed up, u can walk through the truck..don't want that, and the ladder didn't work :'( umm so there is a few things i have to work on and make a few things smaller and a few walls bigger so it's almost done...
some pictures
From allies spawn
looking @ allies spawn
lookig @ axis spawn
From axis spawn
it's a small map which is what i was shooting for just a few things to fix here and there..what u think? it's my 2nd map LOL :-)
looks great man! could u add maybe ammo and/or health at da spawns? ya dont have to i just think it would be kool, when u run outta ammo u go back to da spawns. o and should i mod the weapons so u its liek paintball. u get one damge when hit? or 0? just there would be paint everywhere? lemme know wat u want biggrin:
ammo = 200 rounds with like 50 round clips, on the hud make it so there are little paint balls for the bullets that would be cool....and damage would be like i dunno 100 per ball? but the reload for the shots should change from gun to gun .. but it should be no where as fast a a actual MG that's just crazy....i have no idea how to do "realism" type mods LOL GL
i fixed the walkthrough the truck problem, now just to get the dan-nub ladder fixed! GRRRR i hate ladders i can't get them to work right @ all...AHHHHHHH when i get finished with this map i am going to do a ice-world's super small it's just a square with 4 squares in will take me about an 20 minutes to do LOL ;-) but just to fix ths LADDER AHHH
you should make the damage like 95 for head shot, 50 for chest and 25 for anything lower than the head. I'm not sure if you can do that, but that would be cool.
well, i've never personally played in professional paintball, but isn't it like 1 shot 1 kill....if u get shot u sit out right? if so u don't want to shoot someone in the game in the leg then they are like WTF and shoot u in the head and u die....that would suck! lol i don't know iam just doing the maps LOL
lol, how old will you be? i have to go to school monday.....i started thursday...Senior year...checking out all the underclassmen it's so awesome.. cool: i will fix the ladder thing today...and most likey the ice world map 2 ;-)