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Dr. Deleto is Offline
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Default 08-17-2003, 01:55 AM

Who fucking cares? are you gonna call me a skinhead because I keep my hair short, listen to punk, and enjoy tattoos? What the fuck man? Get a fucking life if all you have to do on these forums is call someone a wigger. I could MAYBE understand if he was your neighbor and you two had been in a feud of some sort about his rap music being too loud. but goddamn if you didnt call him that for no good reason other than to act big and bad. In the end your only going to look like a bitch either way if ya keep this flamin goin so the best bet would be to just shoosh now and save some face.

Oh and before you flame me or tell me to "stfu" realize that I could give 2 shits what you think or say about me. I hate myself fully and with all the intensity needed for one person, so whatever you say about me will only pale in comparison to what I could say about myself.

Good day sir!
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Default 08-17-2003, 02:34 AM

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Bean 2 is Offline
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Default 08-17-2003, 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Originally Posted by "Bean 2":c3ec0
a hick from long island new york. WOW ur a fucking genius. A regualer einstein. Fucking dumb shit. I guarantee ur a wigger. Ur right ive never seen u but i bet that u walk around like all these fucking homos thinking ur tough shit meanwhile ud get ur ass kicked if u ever stepped into a ghetto.
Didnt you know, If you use the word wigger and youre a white man from america, no matter where you live youre automatically a hick inbred shit or something or other? Generally I had thought that hicks were from states other than the North East, but fuck dude we missed the boat on what makes a hick supremist and what makes just a regular long island kid that is fed up with baggy fubu pants and rap music.
I miss your point - If you're agreeing with Bean, you have some serious issues.

None of you people understand what a fucking Wigger is, first of all. Second of all, you don't know shit about me, so don't even try to fucking label me.

It is some of the most IGNORANT shit ever, to call a guy a WIGGER just because he listens to rap music. For fucks sake - I was brought up on it, it's not a fucking fad to me.
I just prefer it over other music, get the fuck over it you fucking hate-mongers.

Why do you spend so much time bitching like little fucking girls about OTHER people, when you could be worrying about your fucking selves.[/quote:c3ec0]

Im sorry i called u a wigger but i assumed with everyone saying u were and the way u presented urself i thought u were. Secondly im not hick from Long Island cause i think thats pretty much impossible. Also u statement at the end about how everyone should worry about themselves. I agree with u but i believ u came into this when me and ed were having problems so dont give me that bullshit about worrying about themselves. Maybe u should practice what u preach if u want to be a good mod. A good mod would have either stayed out of the arguement between me and ed or told us to stop. A good mod would have never got into the fight too.
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MrLevinstein is Offline
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Default 08-17-2003, 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
I miss your point - If you're agreeing with Bean, you have some serious issues.

None of you people understand what a fucking Wigger is, first of all. Second of all, you don't know shit about me, so don't even try to fucking label me.

It is some of the most IGNORANT shit ever, to call a guy a WIGGER just because he listens to rap music. For fucks sake - I was brought up on it, it's not a fucking fad to me.
I just prefer it over other music, get the fuck over it you fucking hate-mongers.

Why do you spend so much time bitching like little fucking girls about OTHER people, when you could be worrying about your fucking selves.
I wasnt agreeing with Bean I was stateing that Hicks usually are from the south and not some loud mouth kid from long island biggrin: People tend to make assumetions on people do to their music. When I hear country music in a car what do I think? I think wow must have a gun rack in that ford F-150. And If I hear jazz I think that that person has more advanced musical taste. Of course your music influences people's thoughts upon you.
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Default 08-17-2003, 03:24 PM

[quote="Bean 2":8ea71][quote=Tripper]
Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Originally Posted by "Bean 2":8ea71
a hick from long island new york. WOW ur a fucking genius. A regualer einstein. Fucking dumb shit. I guarantee ur a wigger. Ur right ive never seen u but i bet that u walk around like all these fucking homos thinking ur tough shit meanwhile ud get ur ass kicked if u ever stepped into a ghetto.
Didnt you know, If you use the word wigger and youre a white man from america, no matter where you live youre automatically a hick inbred shit or something or other? Generally I had thought that hicks were from states other than the North East, but fuck dude we missed the boat on what makes a hick supremist and what makes just a regular long island kid that is fed up with baggy fubu pants and rap music.
I miss your point - If you're agreeing with Bean, you have some serious issues.

None of you people understand what a fucking Wigger is, first of all. Second of all, you don't know shit about me, so don't even try to fucking label me.

It is some of the most IGNORANT shit ever, to call a guy a WIGGER just because he listens to rap music. For fucks sake - I was brought up on it, it's not a fucking fad to me.
I just prefer it over other music, get the fuck over it you fucking hate-mongers.

Why do you spend so much time bitching like little fucking girls about OTHER people, when you could be worrying about your fucking selves.[/quote:8ea71]

Im sorry i called u a wigger but i assumed with everyone saying u were and the way u presented urself i thought u were. Secondly im not hick from Long Island cause i think thats pretty much impossible. Also u statement at the end about how everyone should worry about themselves. I agree with u but i believ u came into this when me and ed were having problems so dont give me that bullshit about worrying about themselves. Maybe u should practice what u preach if u want to be a good mod. A good mod would have either stayed out of the arguement between me and ed or told us to stop. A good mod would have never got into the fight too.[/quote:8ea71]

An apology - GG.

When I called you a hick - I was fighting fire with fire, Ass-saulter.

Practice what I preach? Go eat a dick. This has nothing to do with modding. I maybe a MOD, but I'm also a fucking member of this forum. Mods aren't the fucking police - All I do is deal with threads. Just because I'm OWNING you - It doesn't mean I'm telling you off.

It probably just feels that way, because I'm owning you like a fucking bad parent with a black leather belt.

Either way - I'm still allowed to post my fucking opinions you SFI, Modding doesn't take those privilages away.

Also - Worrying about other people, through the internet, about who they are on the outside world is a LOT different to worrying about people on an Internet forum, which directly effects them.

How could me being a "Wigger" effect you in the slightest?

I think, BEFORE you practise what you preach - You need to UNDERSTAND what you're preaching, Jiminey Fuck-Slave.
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Bean 2 is Offline
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Default 08-17-2003, 07:48 PM

Congrats on letting the insults continue cum guzzler. I swear to god ur so fucking obsessed with telling people off on here. Who cares. Its an internet forum, congradulation with ur owning me. U want a prize or something? How bout u bend over and i ram my foot up ur ass. I tried to end this yet u still continue christ almighty. U say it has nothing to do with modding then what did it have to do with. It didnt concern u in the least. I mentioned nothing about u and even said some decent words about in past threads. U say ur not telling me off...then wtf are u doing.
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Old Reliable is Offline
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Default 08-17-2003, 08:16 PM

tripper gets off on insulting people on the internet... just's true!
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MrLevinstein is Offline
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Default 08-17-2003, 08:22 PM

[quote="Old Reliable":726b4]tripper gets off on insulting people on the internet... just's true![/quote:726b4]

I love you old reliable, please dont leave us.
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Default 08-17-2003, 08:32 PM

After countless hours of driving, Allen and his sister Cheryn realized that the trip to Memphis, Tennessee would be a long one. After all, they lived in Oregon. Allen was only 32 years old, and he knew that a cross-country drive was a bad idea. Especially at 1 in the morning. But they had nothing else to do. There were no board games in the glove compartment.
"I can't believe you told your friends about us," Cheryn said sternly. "I'm still disgusted by that." Cheryn couldn't forget the concept, but she had a right to be upset. Not only was she Allen's sister, but she was also his wife.
Allen turned up the volume on the car radio so it was higher than Cheryn's voice. He retrieved his "Everybody's Greatest Hits" cassette tape from the glove compartment and popped it into the tape player. This was Allen's favorite driving music. He listened to this tape during every cross-country drive he's ever taken (since he bought the tape). But the headlights didn't work as Allen drove down the dark, deserted highway. He had to be careful so as not to hit any road signs.
Cheryn asked, "How can you listen to this garbage?"
This kind of criticism was unacceptable. Allen wanted to strangle her, but he withheld his anger and just ignored the comment like a good brother/husband would. As a matter of fact, the last time he strangled her was three months ago in the toothpick aisle of a convenience store.
All of a sudden, the car hit a bump in the road! The vehicle shook wildly, jerked left and right, and one of the front tires popped! Allen stopped the car and got out. At this instant, Cheryn ejected the tape from the tape player, cracked open the passenger door, and tossed the tape out. Allen was checking behind the car to see what he had hit.
"Oh! There's a fork in the road," he said. He held up a plastic dinner fork. He threw the fork off to the side, and got back into the car. The car began to move again. "What were you saying, Cheryn?"
Cheryn smiled, trying not to laugh. "You should really keep your eyes on the road." In the distance, a few dogs barked. Allen tried to honk his horn, but that didn't help the situation.
Allen noticed a deafening silence in the car. "Did you turn the volume down?" he asked. Cheryn didn't say a word. She wasn't going to tell Allen that she threw his favorite tape out of the car. Instead, she revealed several clues as to what she did as she took another sip of her diet cola.
She said, "Well, you had it before you drove over that fork."
Allen thought effortlessly for a few seconds. "Yeah, I did. Hmm." Allen looked at his watch. It was about 1:34 in the morning. He continued vigorously turning the volume knob on his tape player up and down, but there was still no sound. This was a very complicated situation. Allen pushed the play button on the tape player, but to no help.
"Alright, c'mon, Cheryn! The tape couldn't have just jumped out by itself. Where is my tape?" There was a pause. Allen scratched his head to try to wake up his brain, but as usual, it didn't work. Cheryn didn't say a word. Allen said, "Okay, give me another clue."
"Well, the tape is not in the car," she said.
Allen began to reassess the situation. Clue #1: They had the tape when he drove over the dinner fork. Clue #2: The tape is now missing.
"Wing wang wong!"
Allen considered asking for another clue about the missing "Greatest Hits" tape, but he didn't want to sound stupid. Allen turned left at the next corner. Then he drove straight again, because that's the way the road went. The burned down hotel was to the right. It was a very popular hotel, but many customers were not pleased with the food there. It was a grease fire in the kitchen that caused the hotel to burn, baby, burn.
Cheryn became aware of how disturbed Allen was. He hasn't forgotten that $50 bet he lost against his best friend. But at the end, it was all resolved, because his best friend had a change of heart and told Allen that he didn't owe him a dime. He was just fooling around. I mean, what's up with that? I wouldn't have even bothered.
"My cousin Sheasie lives somewhere over here, I think," Cheryn said.
Allen replied, "No, she doesn't. Sheasie lives in Memphis. That's why we're going there. Besides, although I'm married to you, you're still my sister. So that makes her not your cousin, but our cousin." Then Allen turned to you and remarked, "Can you believe it? She has a cousin named Sheasie. How do you pronounce that?"
This is when Allen remembered that the headlights in his car didn't work. That didn't help him much at 1:40 in the morning when it was completely dark outside. Cheryn took another noisy sip of her diet cola. But that's when she noticed the can was empty. She took a bigger sip, hoping to get the very last drop, but it wouldn't come out.
Just then, a car had passed them up. The bumper sticker covering the rear license plate of the car read, "If I passed you, then you're going the wrong way." Allen couldn't see any logic in that statement, but he didn't know what logic was in the first place. Besides, it's too bad the Allen couldn't read that bumper sticker, considering he was driving in the dark with no headlights. What a total idiot.
Cheryn reminded Allen, "You should really get the headlights fixed."
Allen quipped, "Yeah, I was going to fix them right now, but not while I'm driving."
"No big deal, it can wait," Cheryn added. She wasn't the idiot that Allen thought she was.
"Whoever's reading this story is totally sucked in!" Allen smirked. "I feel sorry for them. I can't believe they're still reading this garbage!"
Cheryn chuckled a bit. "Yeah! Garbage, just like your tape."
Allen nodded in agreement. But Allen had a very interesting idea. A brilliant idea. He decided that, from now on, his name would be George.
"I wonder what the weather's supposed to be like today," Cheryn wondered.
"You mean today as in Tuesday? It is after midnight," George said.
Cheryn responded, "Yeah, today. Wasn't it supposed to be 74 degrees?"
"Well, it won't be that nice once we get to Tennessee!" George commented. With that, George and Cheryn laughed at the joke like a couple of morons.
Cheryn said, "You know what I heard? We're not supposed to have any weather Friday. No weather at all. People are going to wake up in the morning, go outside with a blank look on their face and say, 'Huh'? We're all gonna die!"
"Really?" George couldn't believe it! "We better hurry up and get to Tennessee." George mashed on the gas pedal, bringing the car up to 83 miles per hour. The car began to move faster. "At this rate, we'll get there sooner!"
After Cheryn opened up a fourth can of cola, a light bulb appeared over George's head.
"I just remembered something," he said.
"I have to be at work in 7 hours."
George and Cheryn had driven 15 hours away from home, and George just remembered that he had to be at work today. What a dork!
Cheryn began to panic. "You mean, you forgot to call in for vacation time this week? Didn't you remember we were going to Tennessee today?"
George was totally embarrassed! "Oh, man, I'm...I'm afraid not. Should we turn around and go back home? I mean, we won't get back until about 4 p.m., but that's okay! I can tell my boss that I wasn't at work this morning."
Cheryn shrieked, "No, I want to see our cousin!"
George suggested, "Well, should I give my boss a call?"
"Now? It's almost 2:00 in the morning!" Cheryn said.
George reached his arm around to the back seat. "It's okay! Hey, where's my cell phone?"
"You don't own one."
"Oh, darn," George said. "He's going to fire me."
Cheryn quipped, "Well, one thing's for sure. It doesn't matter whether the shower curtain hangs on the inside or outside of the bathtub, as long as the water's warm!"
"And there aren't that many people in the world, really," George added.
Then the two morons contemplated how their statement made no sense whatsoever. There was a pause. George asked Cheryn, "Do you think they're still reading this story?"
"Probably," Cheryn said.
Suddenly, their friend Daric - who was sitting in the back seat of the car all along - woke up from his nap. His hair was a mess and he was drooling.
George waved to Daric. "Hey, buddy! How was your nap?"
"It was good! Not long enough," Daric answered.
"Not long enough? You slept for 15 hours!" Cheryn said. "C'mon, rise and shine!"
Daric peered out the back window at the road disappearing quickly into the darkness. The tail lights were working, by the way, so he could see that the car was indeed moving.
"Hey, Allen, why are you speeding?" Daric asked.
George said, "Oh, I'm George now. And I'm speeding because I'm anxious to get to Tennessee!"
Daric came to his senses. "Tennessee? I thought you said we were going to Kansas City."
"Hmm..." George mumbled.
As Cheryn finished her seventh can of diet cola, George pulled out a road map to find out exactly where he went wrong. He studied it carefully as it covered his entire view of the road.
As he was reading the map, he explained, "Well, it says here that we -"
Cheryn interrupted, "George, watch out!"
Just then, as George pulled the road map down from view, he lost control of his 90-mile per hour trash bucket and it veered uncontrollably off the side of the road! The car sped through the barricade, tumbling down the wall of the seemingly bottomless cliff, into the darkness.
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Tripper is Offline
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Default 08-18-2003, 01:08 AM

[quote="Bean 2":ef7af]Congrats on letting the insults continue cum guzzler. I swear to god ur so fucking obsessed with telling people off on here. Who cares. Its an internet forum, congradulation with ur owning me. U want a prize or something? How bout u bend over and i ram my foot up ur ass. I tried to end this yet u still continue christ almighty. U say it has nothing to do with modding then what did it have to do with. It didnt concern u in the least. I mentioned nothing about u and even said some decent words about in past threads. U say ur not telling me off...then wtf are u doing.[/quote:ef7af]

Cum Guzzler? You can do better than that, Shaft-Stroker.

"Telling people off," It's called flaming, and when you're as stupid as you are, you should probably get used to it. Rectum-Wrangler.

I'm just the same as I was before I became mod - therefore this has nothing to do with being a mod.

This is fun for me. You DID start it as well.....By flaming another person.

[quote="Old Reliable":ef7af]tripper gets off on insulting people on the internet... just's true![/quote:ef7af]

Old is absolutely right. happy:
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Bean 2 is Offline
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Default 08-18-2003, 07:57 AM

Actually u have no idea when this started so u should shut ur mouth. And i didnt start it. I never provoke a flame. If u want to flame me then ill defend myself but ur fucking relentless. just give it up. Who cares. U have no idea who started it and u think u know something but true knowledge is in knowing that u know nothing. Ur a fucking butt pirate who thinks hes better then everyone on here cause he gets his ass kicked at school.
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