WHOA! thanx simo that would be sweet :-) i am still working on the map, i fixed the ladder...but when i compiled the map and sent it to a friend we couldn't see the truck oOo: but when i made a lan game i saw the truck i was like oOo: so maybe i should take the truck out?
guys you gotta remmeber, its one shot kill in paintball. thats pretty bad for mohaa playing, make the accuracy a little worse or sumin, also who is gonna complie the mod and would you like avatars, if so, what you want on them?
Maybe we should make it like realism? LIke add some sort of a ckr mod in there, which would probably add the best realism which would be most parallel to real paintball.
http://www.xtremez.com/paintball/default.asp maybe you can go there and just save some of those gun pictures and make those avatars. I was trying to find like a paintball splatter but I couldn't find one of those.
im workin on da mod. if this was a sticky that would be sweet. i cant make any skins or anything til i get photoshop again. i was usin a trial version but now im gonna get the real thing. luckily modding doesnt require skins biggrin: u know wat would be a kool skin, a player with a vest with paint grenades, and have paint splatters on him. just an opinion cool:
If this is going to be a mod, I say you convert that paintball gun so that it replaces the rifles on both sides, then on the servers, run a rifle only mod (the one that slows down the M1 a bit and speeds up the Mauser a bit), that should make it like paintball!
good idea, but is there a mod that restricts you from selecting the other guns...i hate it when i want to go mg or shotgun and i spawn with no ammo....GRR
any help would be great.....
umm , we could use the forums over @ http://www.gameroasis.net so that we don't flood this forum about asking for help and stuff ;-)
i was thinking of paint nades today to...just 1 per player...and it explodes and paint goes everywhere..would be so awesome..but i was also thinking...we have no idea what we are getting into...we don't have a modler....we don't know how to script...basically we don't know shit...i "basic" know how to make maps..but that's about it....i have a feeling we are in over our heads......but hell i will still try...how bout u guys? angel: