Same thing happens to me ive tried updating everything even tried formatting still no luck game locks up with the repeated sound and error message like you described.....
Athlon 1.4
768 megs ddr
Geforce 2 pro 64 ddr
running windows 2000
tried all diff. audio drivers made by Creative Labs for the soundblaster audigy
(the ones that came with it on a CD, the first new set of drivers, and the second newest set of drivers).
still no luck.
Well, I belive I found a solution, albeit a strange one...
I got the idea of installing another Quake 3 engine based game, seeing if it would crash like MOHAA. (Return to Castle Wolfenstien.)
This game did not crash, and so in frustration I gave MOHAA one last try. And whadda ya know, no more lockups... well there was one, but I was also fooling around with the video resolution and properties at the time. (and it seems having volumetric fog on also makes the game a tad unstable.)
So my advice is, install a game that uses the Quake 3 engine (preferably Return to Castle Wolfenstien, because it worked for me.) Then install MOHAA, and try to play it (dont alter any video properties, just install and play.) Then once you have established that MOHAA is stable, start tweaking the video properties, if it crashes after a tweak, notch it right back to where it was.
I belive these crashes have somthing to do with the AMD T-bird/XP processor OR AMD motherboards (I use the VIA KT133A chipset).
I dont know any good reason WHY an AMD processor/motherboard should cause a problem...
Really, im just guessing at this point.
*sigh* I wanna play this damn game, WAHHH!!!
I am not sure why would that help...
I did reinstall MOHAA - I saved the "save" directory only ...
But it did not help.
As far as Swap I have 2 disks - 60g+100g and they both have plenty of room. I defraged them too.
Still nothing....
Ok this is what I have told works. It don't work for me though, but has worked for some people. Search for ffx.dll when found change the name i.e add bad infront of it. then try running it. I hope this works for some people. Let me know of any other soloutions.
Ok this is what I have told works. It don't work for me though, but has worked for some people. Search for ffx.dll when found change the name i.e add bad infront of it. then try running it. I hope this works for some people. Let me know of any other soloutions.
I have a P4 1.8GHz / 512MB / GeForce3 (not a Ti), SoundBlaster Live / XP Home and I'm having this same issue. Plays for a while, then crash with the audio looping.
Here's a weird one - when I first got the game, it wouldn't run. I had both demos (sp and mp) and they ran fine. I uninstalled MoHAA and both demos, resintalled the full version and tried again. No luck.
Turns out, it was a little thing called CursorXP (a utility to modify cursors in WinXP). For some reason, if CursorXP was running, MoHAA wouldn't even load up. But the demos ran fine with it.