make sure u guys register over @ it's nothing but forums.....i have set up a topic for us under games and i will list all the members and stuff so far it's me and Grim.......on the PBWP team ;-)
i think it would be better if we had maybe 2 guns......i like the rifle and the mg.....the mg have maybe 20 rounds but have like slow between rounds..and the rifle same thing but 50 rounds, and low low accuracy ;-)
meh spearhead, i have a mod that i got off a mod that bazooka joe did, i wonder if he's reading this and if i could use it in the paintball realease??????? it makes the smoke has a good effect ;-) check it out @ my site...under the sig ;-)
so far ive take n everything we have and made it one .pk3 file. so once the player skins and/or weapon skins r finished send em to me ill put it with the rest, and post it!! biggrin:
naw when i was saying smoke from the grandaes I was talking about Allied Assault...I dont even play SH. There IS smoke that comes off when a grenade explodes..