I joined the army at 17. I needed my parents sig. I went to the testing center and took my entry tests....got my score based on that and available slots is what they offer you for a MOS. I signed up April of my senior year. Didnt leave until Nov. Thats when the next class was starting in my MOS. Then 4 yrs in the army. Hope this helps.
No, that really was not what i was looking for. I joined as 98C (Signals Intell Analyst) It was alot of fun. As an Infantrymen (34B, I think) You would prolly only have to sign up for 2 yrs.
Well the job description had alot of simularity to what i did. It also looks like you'd be getting a Security Clearance w/ that MOS. That mean a backround check, believe me when i say they are thourgh. They talked to old girlfriends/co-workers/bosses/teachers/friends....not to scare you or any thing...heh GooD Luck