Originally Posted by Noctis
Seems like almost every day they are trading shots again. So how long until the US gives up again and the Israelis and Palestinians resort to the same old story of the Palestinians starting something and then crying when they get shitstomped and more of their land gets taken? I suppose the bright side is that they'll cause the complete genocide of their own mentally deficient people. GG n00bs.
[url=http://www.movv.com:ec7ea]Stories about recent attacks here[/url:ec7ea]
The roadmap was a joke It wasn't meant to work. Niether Isreal or the Palestines will bend enough. All either them is capable of doing is blaming the other one. They are so rapped up in the menalty of an "eye for a eye" , that both side are to blind to see any map. But the good thing is Bush will be able to say he tried, like every president since Truman. I say we totally disarm both sides and let them stone each other to death.