Remember those toeborne skins i showed you people months ago? Now that I'm back I started upgrading them today. I remember what some of you requested to be changed. Alright, here's a before and after. Tell me what should be changed, what should stay, or its perfect. (the 2 others skins toeborne and toeborne_medic are not shown. Shown below is toeborne_jump. Before is the first one, after is Second)
I'm not actually aiming for total realism. That's why it's called toeborne not "super realistic airborne". It was originally supposed to be for myself but since numerous amounts of people requested that I release it then I shall after I finish some editing.
I'm not actually aiming for total realism. That's why it's called toeborne not "super realistic airborne". It was originally supposed to be for myself but since numerous amounts of people requested that I release it then I shall after I finish some editing.
Well, Thatnks for doing theme. You have great Talent.
Yea, nice skins... Like them, only i noticed something funny, on the upper right in THE skin himself, on the right under the neck, there is a texture difference in both skins... It is for me ed:
But you won't see it i think in game happy:
you have made an amazing skin, toe
you should release two versions, because i like this one as it is
or if youre not going t release it, for whatever reason, could you post a link to the first one plz...