What is there to gloat about? As was stated, the BETA version of a game doesnt always mean "incomplete". Just not retail. They could have added a "credit" to the credit real for all you know and considered that to be "GOLD". The warez version still runs as fine as the RETAIL, and folks were having a frenzy playing it as early as 2 weeks ago.
The only thing I think someone could crow about - or come close - is the fact that a patch is already available and is only usable by the full version. However, there were about 500 people in the MOH room before it came out, running servers - so one can only speculate there will be a fair share of 1.0 servers running for quite some time.
Cerebreal assassin, on a message board I frequent, some guys with the warez version said that the patch was cracked wihtin two hours of being released =(
all you u itdots who bad mouthed us about buying the game. YOU WERE WRONG!!!!! it was a beta, haha they have diff installdir files as reported by aa.net so sucks for u!!! IDOTS!!!!!! lol!!! i laugh in your face!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Cerebreal assassin, on a message board I frequent, some guys with the warez version said that the patch was cracked wihtin two hours of being released =(<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Lol. Damn. You gotta admire their expediency and determination though. Just think of the things these folks are gonna create when they grow the hell up.
I dunno, my beef is why complain about it. It's not going anywhere. Be sure of that. And by all sign, it sure as hell didn't hurt the gaming businesses bottom line - sales are up 2billion from last year. Is it wrong? Yup. Am I going to be a hypocrite and say all warez-users need to be strung out on their toes. No. But I will admit that if I were in 2015's shoes, I'd be damn upset.
Frambosie, u must be a retard or something. Yes, that is a beta...but the real retail warez is probly already out...so i dont think people will have a hard time downloading it, like i said before, downloading isnt hard. So they'll uninstall the beta and install the retail... Think, it aint very hard at all
well this so called "beta" that i downloaded(yes i have the full version 2 copies to be exact) is as far as i can tell exactly like the retail. both say version 1.0 both contain the same content and the install size is the same.
doesnt really matter if youre not willing to spring for this game youre an idiot.
Or here i have a better idea..lol...
if in ur city u have a pc game rental like me ..rent mohaa and get the "NO CD" patch...ur ur set..hehe ..SUX FOR U!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ThePuppetMaster: Or here i have a better idea..lol...
if in ur city u have a pc game rental like me ..rent mohaa and get the "NO CD" patch...ur ur set..hehe ..SUX FOR U! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
as much as i support "fully testing" software before you buy it. this is just lame dude. if you like the game pay for it.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>1.1 was cracked in a matter of hours. All that work and nothing to show for it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I think the point was to address several mp concerns that were OBVIOUSLY appearant. I dunno if stopping "cracked-players" from playing was the goal.
You guys are freakin' idiots when it comes to warez. I have never seen so many dumbasses get so riled up. Yes they can be bad but some of you guys just have no clue at all!!! A lot of times people that work for the developer leak the program just like mp3's get leaked before an album's release?!?!?! Also a retailer or reviewer given a copy for evaluation before the release could have done the same thing. It's not that hard. And if that weren't the case all it takes is for someone who bought the game to rip it and put it online so that means the real game could have been on-line as early as Sunday when people were saying they got it from Wal-mart. Get a goddamn life. People will warez no matter what. So no matter how many stupid posts you make it will continue. So do us all a favor and shut the hell up.