Ya its gonna come down to shotty mapping on the mappers from 2015.
Thats it
Plus you need one hell of a rig to run this game.
The 2 maps which are worst for me are omaha and the bridge or crossraods in DM.
Almost unplayable IMO
I hope EA does something about this soon, cause its gettin on my nerves. LoL
I run a p3 800 512 megs and gf2 gts/ultra 32, runs every game ive played fuggin great
but these 2 maps absolutly kill my computer.
I love the game though and am leaving my trust in EA to come up with a fix for this. And I also want to say to all you mappers out there , get mapping ma bois cause we need more obj maps and a few of those DM deserve to go.
Okay Ttyl peepz later
Anyone who is on irc.enterthegame.com come to #unity and chill and maybe we can get some pickup games going or whatnot.My caln is also recruiting for MOH ladder play on CAL, so if yer east and want to be part of a growing clan give us a shout.
Alright im done