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 Syria's weapon |
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Syria's weapon -
09-16-2003, 10:17 PM ... 0&ncid=716
is it just me or is the US is the most annoying country in the world which they can boss everyone around the world freely and attacking them at will with no reason. I think the only reason 9/11 happened is because the US has to boss around in Arab territory and occupying their land. If the US didn't occupy anything like during WWII or even Vietnam War, we would all be peaceful and there would be no such thing as "Terrorists" as of today
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09-16-2003, 10:23 PM
9/11 happend because the terrists wanted it to happen....
 Re: Syria's weapon |
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Re: Syria's weapon -
09-16-2003, 10:49 PM
is it just me or is the US is the most annoying country in the world which they can boss everyone around the world freely and attacking them at will with no reason. I think the only reason 9/11 happened is because the US has to boss around in Arab territory and occupying their land. If the US didn't occupy anything like during WWII or even Vietnam War, we would all be peaceful and there would be no such thing as "Terrorists" as of today[/quote:49d7b]
It is just you. Granted the US foreign policy hasn't been the greatest lately, but those are some broad blanket statements your making and most of it is rediculous. Terrorist are terorist and they wanted 9/11 to happen for a multitude of reasons. A couple of examples are: they hate democracy, the USA's historical alliance with Isreal and so forth. Most of all they are fanatical in their beliefs and live in a censored society run by the fanatics propaganda. Do you even know why vietnam was fought? Initially to occupy territory to stop the spread of communism. If your gonna make broad statements like that, at least know what your talking about. It's just getting too damn popular to degrade the USA now days with crap like that.
 Re: Syria's weapon |
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Re: Syria's weapon -
09-16-2003, 10:52 PM
[quote="Blitz-krieg":9095a]I think the only reason 9/11 happened is because the US[/quote:9095a]
Fuck off you ignorant, childish prick.
I hope your father dies of cancer slow and painfully, and then your mother is raped and stabbed.
And then we'll tell you that it's your fault for not convincing your father to stop smoking and allowing your mother to walk around in semi-revealing attire. Asshole.
Edit: Before anyone even replies, I know it was graphic, and any of you who are intelligent will be able to relate the analogy.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
 Re: Syria's weapon |
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Re: Syria's weapon -
09-16-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by "Blitz-krieg":b9905
I think the only reason 9/11 happened is because the US
Fuck off you ignorant, childish prick.
I hope your father dies of cancer slow and painfully, and then your mother is raped and stabbed.
And then we'll tell you that it's your fault for not convincing your father to stop smoking and allowing your mother to walk around in semi-revealing attire. Asshole.
Edit: Before anyone even replies, I know it was graphic, and any of you who are intelligent will be able to relate the analogy.[/quote:b9905]
That's exactly how I felt when I read it. Except for the part about raping and stabbing analogy(maybe a little harsh). The damn thing is that he lists his location as being New York.
 Re: Syria's weapon |
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Re: Syria's weapon -
09-16-2003, 11:09 PM
is it just me or is the US is the most annoying country in the world which they can boss everyone around the world freely and attacking them at will with no reason. I think the only reason 9/11 happened is because the US has to boss around in Arab territory and occupying their land. If the US didn't occupy anything like during WWII or even Vietnam War, we would all be peaceful and there would be no such thing as "Terrorists" as of today[/quote:2295f]
This has controversy written all over it. Maybe when I am half awake tomorow ill debate it.
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09-16-2003, 11:13 PM
LOL, u guys are hilarious, then name one good reason y 9/11 happened. 9/11 happened BECAUSE During the Soviet invasion against Afghanistan, the US actually Backed Bin Laden, and provided him supplies to win. Then after the soviet left, they became allies and when the Persian Gulf War happened in 1991, Bin laden favored american military against hussein, which eventually forced him out of kuwait. Then the americans occupied Kuwait.. Bin Laden has one simple request, get out of muslim territory. The US didnt do that and got bin laden pissed so thas Y HE DECLARED WAR ON US. If the US got out, none of this would have happened, and Noctis, u fucking low life, LEARN YOUR HISTORY BEFORE U START ARGUING about this, Y DUNT U TELL ME DURING WORLD WAR II, before the US got involved in Arab territory, how come the arabs started to hate us For NO apparent reason
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09-16-2003, 11:21 PM
btw, this flash link depicts that Bush knew that 9/11 would happen but he didn't do shit, and Dick Cheney knew about it either.. it was all a conspiracy
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09-16-2003, 11:22 PM
Hey, dick-cheese, why don't you go read the Quran, where it SPECIFICALLY TELLS ALL MUSLIMS TO KILL ANY INFIDELS WHO REFUSE TO CONVERT TO ISLAM.
Where is that unclear to anyone? This was an inevitable eventuality brought on my an archaic religion which was created to inspire an ethnicity in battle against the Christians for territory the Arabic raiders have coveted for all of forever. And yes I think Islam is a crock of shit, because it instructs people to murder any who deny Islam. Fuck that.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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09-16-2003, 11:34 PM
[quote="Blitz-krieg":c32c3]LOL, u guys are hilarious, then name one good reason y 9/11 happened. 9/11 happened BECAUSE During the Soviet invasion against Afghanistan, the US actually Backed Bin Laden, and provided him supplies to win. [/quote:c32c3]
Yes, the plan was to create a vietnam type war for the USSR when they started invading, it worked quite well. He was more anti-USSR then and rather than risk full out war against the USSR, it would be safer to secretly help natives fight the USSR.
[quote="Blitz-krieg":c32c3]Then after the soviet left, they became allies and when the Persian Gulf War happened in 1991, Bin laden favored american military against hussein, which eventually forced him out of kuwait. Then the americans occupied Kuwait.. Bin Laden has one simple request, get out of muslim territory. [/quote:c32c3]
That isn't a simple request, getting out of muslim territory would endanger Israel and US interests in that area.
[quote="Blitz-krieg":c32c3]The US didnt do that and got bin laden pissed so thas Y HE DECLARED WAR ON US. If the US got out, none of this would have happened, and Noctis, u fucking low life, LEARN YOUR HISTORY BEFORE U START ARGUING about this, Y DUNT U TELL ME DURING WORLD WAR II, before the US got involved in Arab territory, how come the arabs started to hate us For NO apparent reason[/quote:c32c3]
I like the way you went from good grammar to shit grammar in just a few sentences, I commend you. You really should learn history yourself, the US's support for Israel is one of the main reasons if not the main reason why Arabs hate the US.
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09-16-2003, 11:36 PM
[quote="Blitz-krieg":fdaf1]LOL, u guys are hilarious, then name one good reason y 9/11 happened. 9/11 happened BECAUSE During the Soviet invasion against Afghanistan, the US actually Backed Bin Laden, and provided him supplies to win. Then after the soviet left, they became allies and when the Persian Gulf War happened in 1991, Bin laden favored american military against hussein, which eventually forced him out of kuwait. Then the americans occupied Kuwait.. Bin Laden has one simple request, get out of muslim territory. The US didnt do that and got bin laden pissed so thas Y HE DECLARED WAR ON US. If the US got out, none of this would have happened, and Noctis, u fucking low life, LEARN YOUR HISTORY BEFORE U START ARGUING about this, Y DUNT U TELL ME DURING WORLD WAR II, before the US got involved in Arab territory, how come the arabs started to hate us For NO apparent reason[/quote:fdaf1]
Well at least you've done some research but your still making a lot of assumtions. I'm too tired to repond to all of them except one or two. Isreal didn't become a unified state again until AFTER WWII in 1948. That is when most if the unrest in the Middle East (at least in the last half of the century) began. The USA has always been a supporter of the Isreali state. So there ya go. There is no excuse for 9/11 although you are trying damn hard to find one. The terrorist are fucking cowards and dont mind killing innocent people( women , children, ect.) only to return to a cave to plan their next cowardly act. Bin Laden never was a true allie either, he was just the lesser of two evils at the time. So in short your argument still has no validity and trying to find an excuse for 9/11 is fucking ridiculous. I bet you wouldn't post that shit on a forum dedicated to the families that lost their loved ones. So unless you would , i have no respect for your point of view Period.
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09-16-2003, 11:40 PM
btw, this flash link depicts that Bush knew that 9/11 would happen but he didn't do shit, and Dick Cheney knew about it either.. it was all a conspiracy[/quote:4a9fa]
Wow a conspiracy theory, good arguement.
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09-17-2003, 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Noctis
Hey, dick-cheese, why don't you go read the Quran, where it SPECIFICALLY TELLS ALL MUSLIMS TO KILL ANY INFIDELS WHO REFUSE TO CONVERT TO ISLAM.
Where is that unclear to anyone? This was an inevitable eventuality brought on my an archaic religion which was created to inspire an ethnicity in battle against the Christians for territory the Arabic raiders have coveted for all of forever. And yes I think Islam is a crock of shit, because it instructs people to murder any who deny Islam. Fuck that.
No, it doesn't. No where in the Quran does it actully say to murder anyone. This is just the extremist inturpritation of it. True Islam does NOT PROMOTE MURDER! I have no clue where you got your info from Noctis, but it isn't true. It's the same stuff as the racists use to try to justify murdering Islamic people. Bull shit, that's all it is. I'll say it again: TRUE ISLAM DOES NOT PROMOTE MURDER!!!! hake:
I'm fucking tired of people with this narrow minded point of veiw. Not all Islamic or Muslim people are terrorists or murderers. But, just because of 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden, many people believe they are. That's just fucking Racist! Are all the Irish terrorists too? Because under this racist thinking they would be. Bull shit, plain and simple racist bull shit. hake:
9/11 was a tradegy where many lives were lost. But, it is not an excuse for this kind of behaviour. I'm sure there were some innocent people of middle eastern decent that lost their lives in that tower too. Show some respect, not only to those who died, but the other cultures of this world. Just because a small group of Islamic people are terrorists does not mean they all are or that their religion promotes murder and terrorism.
And on that note, I think it's time for this thread to end.
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09-17-2003, 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Noctis
Hey, dick-cheese, why don't you go read the Quran, where it SPECIFICALLY TELLS ALL MUSLIMS TO KILL ANY INFIDELS WHO REFUSE TO CONVERT TO ISLAM.
Where is that unclear to anyone? This was an inevitable eventuality brought on my an archaic religion which was created to inspire an ethnicity in battle against the Christians for territory the Arabic raiders have coveted for all of forever. And yes I think Islam is a crock of shit, because it instructs people to murder any who deny Islam. Fuck that.
[quote:a9da8]In other words, Allah in 8/39 and 2/193 enjoins perpetual war for the destruction of the persecuting Koreish of Mecca, and, by the same token, for the abolition of all non-Islamic religions the world over.3 This according to the Koran is the best ?striving in the way of Allah?.[/quote:a9da8]
[quote:a9da8]?Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Who so fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or victorious, on him we shall bestow a vast reward.?
This verse clearly shows that there is nothing allegorical or metaphysical in the nature of war that is jihãd; it is armed war and nothing else. The idea has been further explained in another verse which says:
?Hast thou not seen those unto whom it was said: Withhold your hands and establish worship and pay the poor-due? But when fighting was prescribed for them, behold! a party of them fear mankind even as they fear Allah or with greater fear, and say: Our Lord! why hast Thou ordained fighting for us? If only Thou wouldst give us respite for a while. I Say: The comfort of this world is scant; the Hereafter will be better for him that
wardeth off evil? (K 4/77).
This verse describes the benefits of jihãd to be enjoyed in the hereafter. Also it clearly shows that, instead of ?withholding one?s hand?, jihãd requires the waging of unremitting armed conflict. Obviously, this verse descended for the instruction of those Muslims who had been pleading against bloodshed and wanting ?respite? from the duty of engaging in murderous confrontations. Historically too this verse is rather important. Before the Migration (to Medina) the number of Muslims (in Mecca) was not large, but even among that small number there were war-mongers whom Allah had to restrain as the issue of war in Mecca was dim. This comes out clearly in the first half of the verse. On the other hand, if the traditional date of the sûrah to which the whole verse belongs be accepted, the second half of the verse shows that after the reverse at the Battle of Uhud (625 AD), the Muslims of Medina wanted to settle down to a peaceful existence. This second half was intended to rouse them to renewed warlike effort, and to revive their drooping spirits. Not only that. The verse seems to imply that over and above the war-mongers there existed a body of Muslims who were essentially peace-living, and it required all the eloquence of Allah and his Prophet to rouse them and goad them into unflinching bloodshed. The lure of a felicitous hereafter was held up before them, and it was made clear that the abrogation of Meccan pacifism was final and irrevocable.[/quote:a9da8]
[quote:a9da8]3) The extent of violence and bloodshed permitted in jihãd is also clearly stated in the Koran. The 5th verse of Sûrah Taubah makes no bones about the matter. Allah says in so many words:
?When the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them, besiege them and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free.?
The meaning of this verse is clear enough. ?Profess Islam or else die?[/quote:a9da8]
As I said, the Qur'an very specifically instructs Muslims to murder any who refuse to convert. That's not fundamentalism or extremism, that's the fucking exact and literal words coming out of their little black book. Don't feign me for ignorance, you're stepping into the ring with someone who already had a full year studying Islamic culture. This isn't racism, and this isn't blind over-generalizations. Jihad is a pillar of Islamic faith, if you don't believe it, then you aren't a true Muslim and will find yourself in Hell according to your own beliefs. That's the facts that the crybaby, liberal media won't tell you. If you don't believe me, PM me and I'll reference you to an online copy of the Qur'an as well as the specific passages so that you can reference them in further context, if necessary.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
 Re: Syria's weapon |
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Re: Syria's weapon -
09-17-2003, 02:43 AM
is it just me or is the US is the most annoying country in the world which they can boss everyone around the world freely and attacking them at will with no reason. I think the only reason 9/11 happened is because the US has to boss around in Arab territory and occupying their land. If the US didn't occupy anything like during WWII or even Vietnam War, we would all be peaceful and there would be no such thing as "Terrorists" as of today[/quote:9f153]
umm if the us hadent occupyed aneything during WWII then you can forget about arabic ..and say helooooo to speaking german ...
sorry bro ..if i remember it was 2 office buildings that got hit on 9/11 ..not a missile silo..not a military base..and yes the pentagon was hit ..yes it is a military target ..but as far as i know ..we dident have trident misiles stashed in the trade centers..
it was the same kind of attack that brought about WWII ..only the japanese at least had the guts to attack a armed military target ..battleships and aircraft can shoot back workers and fax machenes cant ..
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