AA.comers official story -
09-18-2003, 01:53 PM
Ok guys, this is how it works. We (aa.comers) are gonna make a story about.......whatever comes to mind at the time you post. Im gonna start off the setting and such and then you guys just add onto it from there. I was thinking about having characters, (e.g. ed plays ed, gt plays gt, gerard plays gerard, short hand plays short hand etc.) I was just sitting here doing crap and i came up with this idea hoping that all of our mental capacities could add up to make a pretty good story...............WTH was i thinking but lets give it a try anyways.
Rule#1 no flaming
Rule#2 ure post must conincide with the story itself (not against me)
Rule#3 if u got a problem with this, scroll up and click that big X at the top of your screen and leave us to be
ill start us off.
Once upon a time in Mexico..