Microsoft's 1.1 Billion Dollar Class Action Suit
California Consumers and Businesses have an opportunity to submit a claim for their share of a 1.1 billion-dollar class action suit against Microsoft Corporation. The Sacramento Business Journal, dated September 26,2003 and documentation issued by Microsoft Claims Administrator for the California Settlement states that everybody in California who purchased a computer between February 18, 1995 and December 15, 2001 with a Windows operating system on it can receive a voucher for $16. In addition to the $16 voucher for MS Windows or MS DOS, Microsoft is also offering a $29 voucher for Microsoft Office, a $26 voucher for MS Excel and a $5 voucher for MS Word. To apply for the settlement, a business or consumer has to fill out a claim form that can be printed from the settlement Web site,
http://www.microsoftcalsettlement.com, or call toll-free number (800) 203-9995 and have a claim form mailed to the requester. The deadline to submit your claims is March 15, 2004.
Applicants don't have to produce receipts proving they purchased a Windows computer unless they were high-volume purchasers such as large businesses. Individual consumers can submit a claim for up to 5 licenses ($ 100 Max) without receipts. Individual claimants have to mail in their claim forms, after which they will be mailed a voucher for the amount on the claim form. They can then buy any computer hardware, software or peripherals they want to purchase. They do not have to purchase a computer running Windows, but they do have to pay the store's price for the item(s) they purchased.
The claimants can then mail the receipt for the purchase, plus the voucher, to the settlement administrator. The administrator will then send back a check for the purchase price up to the value of the voucher. If the item purchased costs less than the value of the voucher, the administrator will mail back another voucher for the difference.[/quote:068e7]