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Reload this Page Illegal Aliens Getting Drivers Licenses?? WTF!!???
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Arkan is Offline
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Default 10-04-2003, 10:28 PM

From some of the replies it seems some people here are completely retarded. "Illegal Aliens" means any person (...including white people) who resides in the Country illegally. They're not paying taxes like the rest of the working class people and they're not putting money back into the economy. They take all the money they make here and send it back home to their mud-hut in the hopes of upgrading to something with a solid foundation in which to build on. They save money by eating one meal a day and by renting a house with 50 more illegals just like them.
When my ancestors came here from Italy and Austria, they did so LEGALLY. They actually learned the language, adopted the American culture, and paid their dues to this i don't want to hear anyones liberal views on the matter. If you want to live in this country, learn the language and pay your dues like everyone else. Is that asking much??

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Snuff is Offline
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Default 10-04-2003, 11:29 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Whats wrong with letting noncitizens drive? they fuckin pay taxes over here anyway and they need to get to the jobs no one else wants. if they dont have a car, then youll just bitch about 'all the mexicans are taking over the buses.' it isnt a national crisis to let in people who are looking for work. and like someone said earlier, this was mexico until the US stole it from them.
Driving is a priviledgenot a right. Who's money funds the revenue dept., hwy dept. ect. Tax payer money that's who.These people do not pay taxes. They don't help to fund law enforcement. You can damn well bet that very few of them would stay currnt with insurance: at best you could hope they carry liability. I bet you would be real happy to get rear ended by a nice non-english speaking, uninsured illegal alien. Then you could start bitching about how your auto insurance premium has suddenly gone up. As I eluded to earlier..... they are also a major strain on an already strained healthcare system in this country. Just having them here in the first place is a drain on the economy not to mention giving them drivers licenses.
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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 10-05-2003, 04:15 AM

how stupid, ive been hit by 3 white asses who were too stupid to have insurance, and one of them thought it would be a good idea to try and get away. whats with this manifest destiny BS i hear about? oh, ok god said we can have all of this land because no one else is using it right? sounds like you are babbling yourself. and as for taxes, everyone who works in this country pays taxes, immigrants arent the only ones who dont pay. i can imagine all the immigrants in white collar jail for tax evasion, cant you??????. as for your ILLEGAL ALIENS, they provide over 80% of your crops in this state and around 60% of construction. they also repair and clean up the roads that you drive on because no one else wants these jobs. let see you bitch and complain about not being able to find a house or a place to work or some food to eat. as for the economy, immigrants provide more for the economy than you give them credit for. you can blame the sagging economy on the retard in the white house and in the governors mansion. the last president left us with a $127B surplus and gave us the best economic boom since WW2, you can blame W for your economic woes. yes driving is a priviledge, what kind of stupid answer is that, im not disputing that, and it is totally irrelevant in this matter. the only difference between a citizen and non citizen in this country is that you cant vote. how are they not priveledged enough to be able to drive to work? a car is a necessity in this world. if a 16 year old kid who doesnt pay taxes, doesnt work and cant vote can drive, why cant immigrants?
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Tripper is Offline
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Default 10-05-2003, 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
if a 16 year old kid who doesnt pay taxes, doesnt work and cant vote can drive, why cant immigrants?
It's different - It's only a matter of years before this 16 year old kid is going to have to grow up, vote, get a job and pay taxes....What happens to the immigrant that gets a job and doesn't pay taxes.....? Nothing. That's the problem.
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Chango is Offline
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Default 10-05-2003, 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
whats with this manifest destiny BS i hear about? oh, ok god said we can have all of this land because no one else is using it right? sounds like you are babbling yourself.
Look it up in a fucking book, its not like I made it up.

It doesn't matter that they provide 80% of California's crops, or that they do the jobs that no one wants to do (you are aware that some people in America can't do the job they want to do, so they are forced to do jobs like that right?) Its the fact that we have no fucking clue who they are, they could be a criminal from another country, or they could be a terrorist for all we know. Obviously they have something to hide if they aren't willing to go through the official processes.
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Default 10-05-2003, 03:39 PM

Uh - only county or state workers are allowed to clean up the roads and highways. A little something called The Department Of General Services. ANd I sincerely DOUBT county or state agencies are hiring illegal immigrants.

Having said that - IRREGARDLESS of what the LEGAL American Citizens do, illegal is illegal. Thats it. End of story. You wanna know WHY the shit jobs are so low in pay - because smart farmers KNOW illegal immigrants are going to jump at this chance. It's not a matter of illegal immigrnat COMING to these jobs, its a matter of the employers manufacturing these low payings jobs FOR the illegal immigrnats. If they were forced out, then out of work construction workers and out of work farm hands would be able to take these jobs and the employers would be FORCED legally to provide a fair wage instead of the shit conditions THEY create for the immigrants.

So no more with the violin because I'm not buying it.
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ShagNasty is Offline
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Default 10-05-2003, 07:30 PM

I agree with ED here. When you fuck up in my state, You get community service some times, and they clean the roads.
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pest is Offline
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Default 10-06-2003, 07:31 AM

IRREGARDLESS of what the LEGAL American Citizens do, illegal is illegal. Thats it. End of story. [/quote:0406e]

Bottom line right there. Thats where any discussion on this matter should have ended. Giving illegals rights, no priveledges, is just plain californian.
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Snuff is Offline
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Default 10-06-2003, 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
how stupid, ive been hit by 3 white asses who were too stupid to have insurance, and one of them thought it would be a good idea to try and get away. whats with this manifest destiny BS i hear about? oh, ok god said we can have all of this land because no one else is using it right? sounds like you are babbling yourself. and as for taxes, everyone who works in this country pays taxes, immigrants arent the only ones who dont pay. i can imagine all the immigrants in white collar jail for tax evasion, cant you??????. as for your ILLEGAL ALIENS, they provide over 80% of your crops in this state and around 60% of construction. they also repair and clean up the roads that you drive on because no one else wants these jobs. let see you bitch and complain about not being able to find a house or a place to work or some food to eat. as for the economy, immigrants provide more for the economy than you give them credit for. you can blame the sagging economy on the retard in the white house and in the governors mansion. the last president left us with a $127B surplus and gave us the best economic boom since WW2, you can blame W for your economic woes. yes driving is a priviledge, what kind of stupid answer is that, im not disputing that, and it is totally irrelevant in this matter. the only difference between a citizen and non citizen in this country is that you cant vote. how are they not priveledged enough to be able to drive to work? a car is a necessity in this world. if a 16 year old kid who doesnt pay taxes, doesnt work and cant vote can drive, why cant immigrants?
First of all, I'm not talking about race asshat. So you can take your whiteasses comment and stick it up your ass. tHEY ARE FUCKING ILLEGAL!
IE. NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. Secondly, I don't live in your state. Thirdly, all that shit you posted about dragging the economy just proves my point. We don't need any illegal's to help us in that dept. We have enough shit of our own to worry about. Driving is a privilege has all the relevance in this matter. I'll repeat this again THET DON'T PAY ANY TAXES other than sales tax when thet buy something. They don't have a social security number. They don't pay to keep up highways, law enforcement, or to the dept. of revenue. I don't want to pay for their part but obviously you do. Why don,t you sponser some illegal aliens if you feel so srongly about it (pay their medical bills etc.). To be honest I don't give a shit what California decides to do with their own state but Cali's decisions always have a ripple effect throughout the entire country. Illegal aliens do dick for the economy in my state so your nice little statistics mean shit to me. This has nothing to do with the white house problems or whatever your saying. That's what's wrong with this country anyway. To many people not making a contribution. Illegal aliens just compound that problem. They can apply for a visa just like everyone else and be legal. What about all the terrorist suspects who were in the US illegally. Hell lets give those guys drivers licenses too. I had better end with saying this or you will make it a racial thing again. Doesn't matter what nationality. Illegal is illegal. They shouldn't get the same priviledges ( ie drivers lincense)as citizens.
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Default 10-07-2003, 03:17 AM

this really isnt too hard to understand. They take without putting back in. They take money from the economy, and pay nothing back to it. Oh sure they buy food, but 12 of them can survive for a week off one loaf of bread. Meanwhile they are shipping home 90% of the money they make instead of putting it back into the economy. So the whole economy argument is total shit.

And who is paying for the damage these uninsured drivers will do to other people's cars when they run into it because the 7th guy from the passenger side in that ford whatever they are driving accidently spilled his slushee? more economic downfall. I say let them have driving privelages only after they pay thier first year's income taxes.
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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 10-08-2003, 10:13 PM

[quote="Chango"][ Look it up in a fucking book, its not like I made it up.

By reading my reaction, you should have come to the conclusion that i already knew what it meant. my sarcastic reply was in fact the very meaning of the manifest destiny. "god said it was ok for us to take the land because no one else was using it' was a sarcastic, but fairly accurate statement. it is an ignorant and racist idealogy to think that it is anyones god given right to bring a righteous society to anyone that is deemed 'incapable' or unworthy of self government. the fact that you used this ideology to justify Americas conquest of the southwest is unfair and cruel. To get back on point, driving is a priveledge, but all it does is allow you to drive a car. and you have to pay to drive a car, and you have to pay to learn how to drive a car, and you have to pay for insurance to drive a car, and you have to pay for maintainence to drive a car. its not like immigrants are getting a free ride. if they drive, they pay like everyone else. and most importantly, they pay US, a state with a financial burden and a state who could use the extra money. if you think that its wrong for non citizens to drive, then that is just your opinion, and i can respect that. but when someone uses reasoning like 'You can damn well bet that very few of them would stay currnt with insurance: at best you could hope they carry liability. I bet you would be real happy to get rear ended by a nice non-english speaking, uninsured illegal alien.' you are just assuming that immigrants are a rampant traffic problem. That isnt justification to deny someone the priveledge of driving. This state has a shit load of bad drivers to begin with, you cant categorize them in that way. a car today is like horse was 150 years ago. you really cant do much in this state without one. Im sorry for putting anyone down earlier, but it doesnt seem like many people are looking at this situation from a compassionate viewpoint.
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Snuff is Offline
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Default 10-08-2003, 10:36 PM

Ok maybe we need to agree to disagree, but I still stand by what I said.
Why should a person who is already breaking the laws of this landby
being illegal be granted a priviledge such as driving? It's just that simple. What about illegals who could be terorists? Should they be given licenses? Giving illegals a legal license basically tells them " Even though we entered and live in this country illegally, it really doesn't mean anything because they are not going to do anything about it and we get a driver's license out of the deal". It just seems to compound our already porous boarder situation that can effect national security.
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Chango is Offline
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Default 10-08-2003, 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Originally Posted by Chango
[ Look it up in a fucking book, its not like I made it up.
By reading my reaction, you should have come to the conclusion that i already knew what it meant. my sarcastic reply was in fact the very meaning of the manifest destiny. "god said it was ok for us to take the land because no one else was using it' was a sarcastic, but fairly accurate statement. it is an ignorant and racist idealogy to think that it is anyones god given right to bring a righteous society to anyone that is deemed 'incapable' or unworthy of self government. the fact that you used this ideology to justify Americas conquest of the southwest is unfair and cruel.
Originally Posted by Madmartagen
whats with this manifest destiny BS i hear about? oh, ok god said we can have all of this land because no one else is using it right? sounds like you are babbling yourself.
It seems you knew what you talking about and were just being sarcastic, until you added that flame. And its obvious that you completely missed my sarcasm in my original post, so here i'll help you

Originally Posted by Chango
He's referring to the Mexican-American War (or he's just babbling like an idiot) But we call that Manifest Destiny, not stealing[/sarcasm]

as for the rest of your post

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
To get back on point, driving is a priveledge, but all it does is allow you to drive a car. and you have to pay to drive a car, and you have to pay to learn how to drive a car, and you have to pay for insurance to drive a car, and you have to pay for maintainence to drive a car. its not like immigrants are getting a free ride.
Theres no guarantee that they'll pay for any of that, except gas. They could teach themselves to drive or have someone that knows how to drive teach them. They could opt to not get insurance and just risk it, or they might not be able to get one since they are illegal aliens. And they could do the maintenence themselves or have someone they know do it. So, for the most part, they are getting a free ride.

The law that allowed this was only created to get more votes for Gray Davis, thats all, and it worked, not quite enough to let him win though.
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