I found away to get around my skinning handycap make the gun all camo or make it jet black well im sending it to MOHfiles tomorrow so it should be up thuesday or wendsday
heres a pic of the gun from CS
The MOH version is all black except for the clip wich is the only thing I could skin right biggrin:
Naw HeadUp Bruh, thats a a already made Pic of the model, i actually have one myself i was tamperin with, pretty nice model biggrin:
Eh and yo Head up, i seen your Great Skinnin Abilities man, feel free anytime to stop by our forums and show us your work biggrin:
We love seein new work and new creations that kick ass...peace bruh
Nice, that is dopeness.
Got one of those also, customized one for general Cobra last week, great skin and model, if anyone would like it, just shoot me a quick Message...... many in stock! beer: csk_locc@hotmail.com http://qcdr.com/LOCC