Young 'uns views on them classics -
10-17-2003, 03:37 PM
Ave a peek and find out what the young generation thinks of the old ones..:
I grew up on NES, than straight to genesis, skipped SNES. Than Virtual Boy or something. Game boy is in there somewhere. Than playstation. Than N64. Now I have xbox.
AND I did actually have some atari before NES and gameboy.
I remember loving genesis, and I still do.
and I currently own an xbox, but of course my computers rival it. <^>mwah:<^>
I grew up with NES aswell..
Got the first one when i was 5 yrs old..
Had like.. What could it have been?
40 games? Ya, something like that..
Mediocre number, but still..
Miss that thingie like hell..
Still havent forgotten myself for selling it.. cry:
I'm 15 i had a NES with duck hunt, then SNES with Zelda (man did i love tht game) then i went to Sega, then all those little game boys and then im in the Computer and Xbox no matter how much good games are now they can still never replace the fun i had when i was little shotting those little ducks at the screen.
I have that magazine! I read that and wanted to abuse every single one of those kids! How dare they make fun of my youth! But one thing: No Commadore 64! heh