[quote="Lt. Bob":184da]Obviously you care anough to post about it, oh and you're posting on a website about a game the WE play. If you don't like it, don't post about it...[/quote:184da]
you have talant, ok im cool with that, useing a shottie doesn't really matter, exept that some ppl that are kinda not so good and when they get a shottie in there hands, somehow they get good kill/death ratios
Sorry to disagree with you, but people who are "new" to the game never really get a good kill/death ratio. That is unless they're like super hardcore quake players or ut 2003 finatics.......you know, guys with reflexes quicker than ANYTHING EVER!
[quote="Lt. Bob":4d884]Sorry to disagree with you, but people who are "new" to the game never really get a good kill/death ratio. [/quote:4d884]
Sooooo......a n00b couldnt do well with a shottie, especially against a self proclaimed master such as yourself.. Maybe you are just mad because you are getting your ass kicked by good shotgunners, you know, the kind with skills.
Tell me, when did i "Self proclaim" myself as a "master?" Really, go back and quote where i said "Hi i'm Lt. Bob, i'm the master of mohaa, where's my award?" Yeah, see the the thing is about the shottie is that it is a one hit kill weapon 75% of the time. That is unless the enemy is down a hallway, or on the other side of a field. Quit putting words in my mouth and shuttup.