Till våra kära vänner i Örebro: Om ni hör talas om någon som kommit över en väska med trumgrejer och vår backdrop så hör av er till oss ommedelbart! Stölden kommer att polisanmälas och all hjälp tas emot.
Can you translate this into English for me? rock: biggrin:
yup, you're right about that mate. it's a damn small country but things are well arranged, nice women and so on and so on.
where do you stay when you're in the Netherlands?
I stay in a town called Rozenkampsweg. My dog is a Mechelaar herder, which I also bought in Holland. I usually come in september and head over to Den Bosch for the KNPV (Royal Dutch Police Trials) championships. I have a few friends living there. Germany and Holland are my two favorite places in Europe.