My friend found it here and said he was unable to find the .pk3 file for it. I have not looked myself b/c I am not concerned with it. However, he is and this leads me to the link: ... le&id=1207
Hehe... A profanity mod would be very fun, but I knew that this would filter out obscinity. My friend, (whom I think will post a topic concerning this) was interested in getting it because his parents are strict about profanity and that crap. Anyhow, thanks a lot.
strict about profanity, but allow him to play a shooting game ? lol...that's interesting...anywhoo...i am not sure if there is a client swear filter...just close your eyes...or shut down the monitor if you see a "naughty word" or just go into a server with a swear filter. biggrin:
It is ironic, isn't it? He's allowed to have a blood mod, in addition to owning MoH:AA, but can't see shit, damn, or fuck written on a computer monitor by some wheezy geek from across the net, let alone the world? Some parents are clueless or just stupid... Anyhow, thanks again.
Ever played 'Viet Cong' the uncensored version ? I swear, that drill instructor turns the air blue. I'd never been called a ****** ******* ********* by a computer game before. Its hilarious. biggrin: