Looks ok to me. You will need to change your passwords now as the passwords you are using have been given to everybody.
Also you shouldn't use the same thing for both your private and rcon password.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
Looks ok to me. You will need to change your passwords now as the passwords you are using have been given to everybody.
Also you shouldn't use the same thing for both your private and rcon password.
Well that isnt the config just a txt version and those passwords aren't the right ones. I agree wit dragon as well, gamespy is very GAY!
For one thing, it can take some time for gamespy's servers to put the name of your server up. Patience is key. G-Spy's servers do a 'crawl' on a schedule'd basis. If your server is running during that crawl, it will be logged. During the next crawl, if the server is still running it will show. The crawls aren't human dependent, and there's nothing you can do but keep the server up and be patient.
Now, as far as your config goes, there are a couple things that may be hampering your game.
EG: If you have Flood protect on, you should set the rest of the flood parameters. It's better to put the start map line before your map rotation line. And although those comments are good to have for reference, they tend to foul up the works. MOHAA is a tempermental bitch, and doesn't like her .cfg's to be messy.
I'm just speaking from a bit of experience with .cfg's, and the problems I've had and what I've done to resolve them.