rofl that picture is funny... gun its self marker most hoppers are on top there is like 2 markers that load like a normal clip.. and its C02 and WTF why the hell would you have a scope?! GO PLAY PAINTBALL THEN MAYBE YOU CAN MAKE A MODE FOR IT!!
Yeah i play paintball i dont get why some noobs use scopes on their guns.Like in speedball this 13 year old was sniping in speedball and i smoked his ass with spyder-e99.
I play with a crapy tipman 98 semi auto i want to get a better gun but i do ok for a semi auto when everyone has a full auto that shoots 20 paint in a sec...
Tippman 98 is a nice gun.That was my first gun i ever had i sold iit until i couldnt add anymore stuff to it like i had flatline system, response trigger, , stock remote gas line system, an e-bolt, psyco ballastics drop forward, gta low presure system, regulater, andfull boar rear cocking knobs(but had to take off stock to use it.
So i sold it for $1,299 dollars with modifications and bought a spyder e-99 classic with a 16 inch barrel.
what makes it better? as long as it's semi..and doesn't leak co2 when i put a new capsule in..i will be fine...if i got a paintball gun,....i want a 9oz co2 cartrige.... oh yeah!
well excuse me professor p. poopie pants..... all i know about paint ball guns is what i've seen at my friends house when he plays...i have never gone into a paintball gun shop, because quite frankly i don't have the money to burn on water-downed paint and pain. i need things like gas for my car, insurance , student fees, etc. but iam sorry i didn't know there was a 16 oz co2 cartrige....but may be that's not what i want hmm? 16 oz seems alittle big to lug around while running your ass off when your getting shot at.
he was obviously refering to you since you were acting like a smart ass. Jeez since when did this thread about makinga PB gun in mohaa turn into Paintball Gun Nerd Central? Stick to the topic...PS im learing modeling so i hope to build one out of the SMG
rofl that picture is funny... gun its self marker most hoppers are on top there is like 2 markers that load like a normal clip.. and its C02 and WTF why the hell would you have a scope?! GO PLAY PAINTBALL THEN MAYBE YOU CAN MAKE A MODE FOR IT!!
dude paintball is my hobby imwithstupid:
by the way i said it was a fantasy gun mad: