Not to pirate!
With the CD required in the player when playing MOH, I know my CD will get scratched, moving it about. I read the thread last week, but CloneCD could not give me a working copy.
i donno.... i had this great game called No One Lives Forever... it was great... but the fucking company put somtware copy protection on it! so now my disc got scratched and i cant play anymore /me starts crying
You will need to patch the clone cd image with BetaBlocker. I am told this will handle the new SaveDisc V2.51 whick is on MOH:AA
If the mods don't mind I can pass along a link. This is for Legit perosonal copies only as a means to back them up
I will only post a link if one of the mods says it's OK in this thread. Please don't email me for a link.
ruse dog if u dont post that link ill slap ya so hard your mom wil lbe bruised.... PLEASE!!!!!!!! its legal as long is you are suing it for personal copies only!
Oh shut up. If you have the legal copy - do with it as you please so long as it remains under the law.
Simply get the "NOCD" file for MOH so that you dont need to place the damn thing in your cd-rom drive everytime. And you know, it's not even a question of CD-care so much as it is a pain in the ass to load and unload cds, then have the damn thing auto-play etcetera etcetera. Just get the "NOCD" patch young sky walker. You'll be fine.
Besides, if he had the illegal copy, he wouldnt even be asking this question.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I can see this topic being locked?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Ridiculous. Why would it be locked? Several times on this board I've seen Dedicated Server operators talking about using the NOCD patch to prevent having to run the cd in their drives while hosting server. This is a simple utility that unfortunately is exploited by dirty warez bastards - I HATE EM I HATE EM SOOOO MUCH!!!! Not the creator of these patches faults. This kid has a legitimate reason for wanting to run this patch, so step quickly off the soapbox and get back to your game.
I posted my reply only to help someone with a legitimate question. This is why I did not just go ahead and post a link.
The NOCD crack does nothing if you lose your CD and want to reinstall. You will need your original discs. I hope v1.1 patch blacklisted any serial numbers that were being used with the slipped beta version. Making a copy of your discs wont do anyone any good if they don't have a key and if your foolish enough to give someone your key. I have a bridge for sale.
What he's asking for is not illegal in any way so long as he has the retail version. I too didnt want to be hasseled with putting the CD in the drive every time I want to play the game......and risking of scratching it. But you dont really need to burn a copy of the CD, just go to (a legal CD copy game site thats for those with legal game copies) and they have a file that you install to play the game without the use of the CD's.
Thanks for all the replies. When I went to a few days ago, they only had the V1.0. Looking at it today, it looks like I have a way around using the CD, for now. (Until the next patch comes out).
I have actually emailed EA to see if they have any legal suggestions on this topic, because we have a right to still play, if we accidentally damage our CDs.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I hope v1.1 patch blacklisted any serial numbers that were being used with the slipped beta version.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
It did not. And how would they know which one was ripped, and what stops someone from putting ANOTHER serial online. 2015 dropped the ball by not requiring SERIAL authoriation to play this game.
Perhaps that may well be adressed in a future patch.