My grandpa fought for the "Wehrmacht" because he was german

. He never talked about his experiences in war until one year before he died he startet to tell me all about his time in war and his life after that. My grandpa really had luck : one time he had to await his command where to go - Russian Front or somewhere else - and finally he was sent to Italy. In Italy he experienced funny things and he even had a girlfriend there

. But 1945 he had to help defending a german city, i guess it was "Heilbronn": he and his compagnion were crouching at a window and observing the street.Some minutes later American soldiers appeared down on the street and my grandpas compagnion started firing on them. A few seconds later the window broked and bullets destroyed the whole room ; they were only lying on the floor, hoping not to get hit and stay alive. In another scene he mentioned they were sitting in a whole. Next to them an US tank and some US soldiers were holding position. The german sergeant next to my grandpa dared to look out of the whole and fell down. headshot.
My grandpa even got the rank "Kompanieführer", so he had to lead about 150 soldiers. I guess he wasnt too happy about that

In the end of the war my grandpa became prisoner. He was glad to be prisoner of the Americans

because there he could survive.