While i wait impatiently for fileplanet to upload my skin pack, i made a new skin:
The Airborne Demolitions Expert
New Features:
-Foliage Helmet Camo
-Grenades on chest
-Satchel Charge
I am considering making another stock skin pack, this time, it will feature all airborne models, and maybe a new manon skin...
Can you make one in the same exact color, but 101st airborne, with the aid kit on the helmet? Maybe a smoke grenade on the shoulder strap. You are very good at skinning, so I know you could do it.
If you have time, a 101st in that same color would be killer. rock:
DJ i was thinking of making a Trench Warfare mod, so maybe you can help out with the skins...now if i just can get a good mapper then it would KICK ASS