i'm stuck in the submarine mission where you have to show the papers to get in. i was able to get the 1st paper, but i could not get clearance for the 2nd paper that is required to enter the submarine without any gun fights. how do i obtain the 2nd/higher papers? Thanks.
Where guys asks you for the level 2 papers look to your right you should see some stairs leading up. Go up the stairs kill the officer and take the papers on his desk.
yes, make sure you go up the stairs BEFORE you talk to the guard who asks for the papers. Don't kill the officer you follow up the stairs until you get into his office!
When I first played the sub pen map I forgot what key I needed to use to present my papers to the first SS guard. Only after I had blazed my way thru all of the personnel on the map did I discover that using the papers was bound to a key reserved for weapons (it was 7 I think). This was on medium difficulty.
Only took me 3 tries to mow everybody down, bomb the sub, mow down more Krauts, and escape from the facility. Heh.
This mission was a pain in the ass, I almost chucked the game and the computer out the window. But walk away for awhile. Use the silencer and shut doors before killing anyone on the sub.