My newest skin i did today while i was sick as hell... oOo:
i am making a new allied skin pack for TBFWWII that will contain all 101st airborne, each skin will be unique, and tailored to the highest standard of realism...
skinned the face camo after pics from the band of brothers book,
they actually looked like minstral men with the camo everywhere but around thier eyes and mouth. trust me, its realistic...
Not bad at all. Whenever I've put binoculars on allied skins I get a bit of clipping in the middle of the binocs, so they seem to dissapear slightly into the characters chest. I guess it depends which skel model I use. Did you find a way round that or did you just get lucky ?
its probably the model i used, which was from moh hardcorps's huge, very cool 50 skin skinpack. i recommend you skinners check it out, there's plenty of new models and what not...
beautiful work man keep em coming! in the meantime im trying to make a trench Allied Soldier. So far i have that he has a olive green trench coat with mud, muddy shoes, and is battle-worn rock: