Originally Posted by "Neo Nazi Hitler":745f7
Simo. I don't understand why you wouldn't think I'd go outside in that. It was so fucking hilarious. I guess you just had to be there. It's amazing I ran into no body who took offense though. I guess I'm lucky. I frequently asked people if there's any houses I shouldn't go to though. Lol
I wish you would have ran into me you little shit stain. Or a large polish man. OMG ISNT IT FUNNY HOW COOL HITLER WAS? HE DID ALL THE FUN STUFF LIKE genocide. You really are a lowly nerd POS. Why dont you get some real facial hair before you like 12 year old facist-want to be puke of a self tries to grow out their peach fuzz.
"Maybe they wont know im a fake neo nazi scum if i say im not even though my crappy name says otherwise."
Youre clever
The grandson of a ex-concentration camp member[/quote:745f7]
^ great comment. rock:
dude, you sound like such an ass when you say things like "omg it was so funny going around in my nazi costume, LOL it was really fun an ppl enjoyed it." maybe from your skewed perspective it was "cool" and "fun". yes it is a sharp costume, but i find it grossly innapropriate to be parading around in it and having ppl say heil hitler annoy: why dont you use that costume for an appropriate event(s) like ferich, and do reanactments? that would be fine to wear it there.