Look tard I played on Mplayer back in the day when it was R6 and I used that pic...I use it now. I am not selling it or trying to make money off of it...so mistake 1...or making public ass again. Sigh...we are getting so use to it.
Who said we ripped anyone off? Hades is friends with Craig and he helped him with his flash shit. Let me see here you take a pic of a truck then alter it to say TEAMGOD in the back window and call it yours. Then you get busted because you lied and now you are trying to say we steal? Sorry we are beyond your childish crap.
You think that picture of Hitler with that lame ass skull is some kind of accomplishment? Gimmee a fucking break...your stupidity knows no bounds.
Face the facts you have a slamming door website that you are saying is how old??? The best you could do is come up with a slamming door...and you have been around since Duke? Does the pathetic sadness of this clan ever stop?
Damn Assclown....you must have grew up by high power lines and a lead factory.
"Bro we hunt rabbits, deer and sometimes if we are really bored we will just empty about 1000 round belts into the woods .. My friends are sick like that." - Joey