this war ws a real mistake. we went over there and just screwed everything up... o well we really cant turn our heads now. its too late. if only we could just pull out now and just pretend this didnt happen...
You have got to be crazy to enlist under the leadership of Bush. Bush is a complete idiot, have you seen him give a speech? It looks like he has to think about every single word he says and then he still fucks up. This man should not be president. Everyone just pray for those poor bastards over in Iraq suffereing from a crapy administrationes decisions.
Technology is amazingly better and you're supposed to be fighting an enemy who is as poor as shit, has no technology whatsoever, has no air force, no navy, no cruise missles, no tanks, nothing. Thats why taking a casualty evry day is suprising to people.
When we fought Germany, they were probably our technological superior. They had just as many troops, tanks. planes. It was basically an even playing ground more or less. Don't tall me that its an even playing ground with the iraqis. You guys are superior to them in every way.