Sup fellas, We're looking for some awesome devoted people to help us out at We are in need of News Updaters, and Content Providers. News Updaters should explain itself, and the Content Providers needs to be someone who would like to write up articles, do interviews, previews, etc. etc. We are in need of very serious and devoted people. You must have a passion for WWII and MOH:AA. Please e-mail me at if you would like to help us out. I chose this Forum to ask because I know most of us are DieHard Fans!

. Thanks guys, and I really appreciate all the help we can get

"Sure, we want to go home. We want this war over with. The quickest way to get it over with is to go get the bastards who started it. The quicker they are whipped, the quicker we can go home. The shortest way home is through Berlin and Tokyo. And when we get to Berlin, I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler. Just like I'd shoot a snake!"
- General George S. Patton, Jr (addressing to his troops before Operation Overlord, June 5, 1944)