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cod vs moh
codmander is Offline
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Default cod vs moh - 11-01-2003, 11:12 AM

no comparision really cod is a better game no doubt allready noticed hords of empty servers in spearhead -ea better get their act toghther --take cover cause sniper abound beer:
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Re: cod vs moh
Mungynuts is Offline
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Default Re: cod vs moh - 11-01-2003, 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by codmander
no comparision really cod is a better game no doubt allready noticed hords of empty servers in spearhead -ea better get their act toghther --take cover cause sniper abound beer:
Thats only because its NEW..... MOH is still the First of its type, and without that recognition none of us would be playing COD (that good-ole-american improve on a good thing...thing)

In the future we we may look back and say (just like DOOM) " I remember that game, and pass it on to others like the classic it is........

IMO... Mung:
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Hobbs is Offline
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Default 11-01-2003, 08:50 PM

argh... CoD=DoD!

1. for a game that promoted it had 20 of the orig makers of MOHAA the game feels more like half-life then MOH! can they slow these poeple down?? they move like a junkie running from the law!
2. 1 skin per team
3. axis still only has 4 weapons
4. you cant choose between USA,Britian, or Russia it picks allies team per map
5. you cant walk (creep)
6. scopes are like looking through a pin hole
7. graphics aren't impressive at all

The only thing (in my opinion) worth buying CoD for is the single player game.

Just my 2 cents
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Dragonwraith is Offline
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Default 11-01-2003, 09:13 PM

i gotta agree, MP is pretty lame. Esp. Behind enemy lines and seek and destroy. Lets run around and constatly swap teams or have 2 objs in a map yet only have to blow up one. SP does kick ass though, gotta love the allied jeep ride and the british fighting for the bridge.

truley hoping that MOH:PA will be sweet
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geRV is Offline
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Default 11-01-2003, 09:26 PM

Oh yah and moh's multiuplayer was so original. Firstly we have ffa which is a fragwhores dream and give the winner the right to proclaim his "l33tness" at the end of a round. oOo:

Then we move swiftly to team deathmatch which has the axis and allies playing fucking ring around the rosies map after map basically circling it trading spawn points for no apparrrant reason.

Then we have the counterstrike ripoff obj mode. oOo:

The cod modes are basically the same but have been refined and add more to the game. And thankfully theyre less buggy as well.

Sorry to inform ya kids, but moh:aa originally was going to have NO multiplayer modes, the modes that wre included were basically last minute additions.

As for the skins, well id like to assume that in ww2 most armies fought with the same uniform when they were fighting against the enemy, gotta admit in the middle of summer that snow camo is a really snazzy way to get about unnoticed.... oOo: Plus this also stops the constant bitching about people forcing certain skins in order to get a visual advantage. (funny how people overlook this when it suits them rolleyes: )

And yes the maps are split between sides, would look somewhat oOo: having russians and americans hoofing it about the same map.....oh wait spearhead... oOo:

Scopes are actually more realistic, they narrow your field of vision as they do in real life. As for the graphics..well this is my third or 4th time saying this, the reason theyre "not that impressive" is due to framerate, with these lower poly models they can fit a lot more on screen and maintain a decent framerate. It adds to the atmosphere running along and seeing about 30-40 russians with you, would u rather have 30 or so comrades with you adding a ton to the atmosphere or maybe 5 or 6 higher polymodels? I know what im picking and if anyone says high poly then you are offically oOo:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Hobbs is Offline
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Default 11-01-2003, 09:41 PM

if the run speed is slowed down a bit and the fg42 added to the selectable weapons, it wouldn't be too bad. I wasn't comparing it to mohaa. CoD were the ones that did that by stating they had 20 people that created MOHAA.
Powell is actually hooking me up (as i type) with a fg42 to add to the weapons and i gather run speed can be adjusted with rcon... so i'll give it another go.
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Default 11-01-2003, 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by Hobbs
argh... CoD=DoD!

1. for a game that promoted it had 20 of the orig makers of MOHAA the game feels more like half-life then MOH! can they slow these poeple down?? they move like a junkie running from the law!
2. 1 skin per team
3. axis still only has 4 weapons
4. you cant choose between USA,Britian, or Russia it picks allies team per map
5. you cant walk (creep)
6. scopes are like looking through a pin hole
7. graphics aren't impressive at all

The only thing (in my opinion) worth buying CoD for is the single player game.

Just my 2 cents
2. yeah, they're uniforms, most armies dress alike in teh same theater
3. They have FG-42 in the American maps, how many weapons did the Germans have in real life?
4. so you'd prefer an SAS guy, two Russians, a Brit Para, and a French Maquis chick fighting up Omaha Beach oOo:
6. that's the downside to careful aiming, you need to scan the horizon and then use sights when you find someone from the other side.
7. would you prefer good graphics and shitty story (what Doom 3 will be)
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[DAS REICH] Blitz is Offline
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Default 11-01-2003, 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by Gerard
Oh yah and moh's multiuplayer was so original. Firstly we have ffa which is a fragwhores dream and give the winner the right to proclaim his "l33tness" at the end of a round. oOo:

Then we move swiftly to team deathmatch which has the axis and allies playing fucking ring around the rosies map after map basically circling it trading spawn points for no apparrrant reason.

Then we have the counterstrike ripoff obj mode. oOo:

The cod modes are basically the same but have been refined and add more to the game. And thankfully theyre less buggy as well.

Sorry to inform ya kids, but moh:aa originally was going to have NO multiplayer modes, the modes that wre included were basically last minute additions.

As for the skins, well id like to assume that in ww2 most armies fought with the same uniform when they were fighting against the enemy, gotta admit in the middle of summer that snow camo is a really snazzy way to get about unnoticed.... oOo: Plus this also stops the constant bitching about people forcing certain skins in order to get a visual advantage. (funny how people overlook this when it suits them rolleyes: )

And yes the maps are split between sides, would look somewhat oOo: having russians and americans hoofing it about the same map.....oh wait spearhead... oOo:

Scopes are actually more realistic, they narrow your field of vision as they do in real life. As for the graphics..well this is my third or 4th time saying this, the reason theyre "not that impressive" is due to framerate, with these lower poly models they can fit a lot more on screen and maintain a decent framerate. It adds to the atmosphere running along and seeing about 30-40 russians with you, would u rather have 30 or so comrades with you adding a ton to the atmosphere or maybe 5 or 6 higher polymodels? I know what im picking and if anyone says high poly then you are offically oOo:
6 oOo: 's

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geRV is Offline
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Default 11-01-2003, 11:43 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":e01cd]
Originally Posted by Gerard
Oh yah and moh's multiuplayer was so original. Firstly we have ffa which is a fragwhores dream and give the winner the right to proclaim his "l33tness" at the end of a round. oOo:

Then we move swiftly to team deathmatch which has the axis and allies playing fucking ring around the rosies map after map basically circling it trading spawn points for no apparrrant reason.

Then we have the counterstrike ripoff obj mode. oOo:

The cod modes are basically the same but have been refined and add more to the game. And thankfully theyre less buggy as well.

Sorry to inform ya kids, but moh:aa originally was going to have NO multiplayer modes, the modes that wre included were basically last minute additions.

As for the skins, well id like to assume that in ww2 most armies fought with the same uniform when they were fighting against the enemy, gotta admit in the middle of summer that snow camo is a really snazzy way to get about unnoticed.... oOo: Plus this also stops the constant bitching about people forcing certain skins in order to get a visual advantage. (funny how people overlook this when it suits them rolleyes: )

And yes the maps are split between sides, would look somewhat oOo: having russians and americans hoofing it about the same map.....oh wait spearhead... oOo:

Scopes are actually more realistic, they narrow your field of vision as they do in real life. As for the graphics..well this is my third or 4th time saying this, the reason theyre "not that impressive" is due to framerate, with these lower poly models they can fit a lot more on screen and maintain a decent framerate. It adds to the atmosphere running along and seeing about 30-40 russians with you, would u rather have 30 or so comrades with you adding a ton to the atmosphere or maybe 5 or 6 higher polymodels? I know what im picking and if anyone says high poly then you are offically oOo:
6 oOo: 's[/quote:e01cd]

With you being the biggest one blitz.

And there is a setting to enable fg-42's for servers, just seems noone has really enabled it yet.

And btw hobbs you can walk, just crouch and you dont move as fast as well as it making your footsteps inaudiable.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Bane is Offline
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Default 11-02-2003, 12:16 AM

Well said Gerard. rock:
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Hobbs is Offline
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Default 11-02-2003, 05:44 AM

yah gerard, also leaning while moving sneaks too... powell convinced me to keep my CoD server with the following modifications he made...

1. nades explode on impact
2. fg42 added to selectable weapons
3. scopes are bigger
4. run speed is slower
5. realism (weapons kill with fewer hits)
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Airborne Butters is Offline
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Default 11-02-2003, 05:49 AM

how about this, let's compare Call of Duty to a pile of crap

-The crap has charecter and orginality
-CoD is RTCW meets Medal of Honor..with a bren
-the crap smells
-call of duty smells like crap
-the crap is realistic
-call of a joke

in the end you'll find that the crap is the clear winner in this case.

I think it's a sad day when a 3yr old FREE mod is better than a new 50 hunk of shit. GG ...GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD GAME
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Short Hand is Offline
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Default 11-02-2003, 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by Hobbs
argh... CoD=DoD!

1. for a game that promoted it had 20 of the orig makers of MOHAA the game feels more like half-life then MOH! can they slow these poeple down?? they move like a junkie running from the law!
2. 1 skin per team
3. axis still only has 4 weapons
4. you cant choose between USA,Britian, or Russia it picks allies team per map
5. you cant walk (creep)
6. scopes are like looking through a pin hole
7. graphics aren't impressive at all

The only thing (in my opinion) worth buying CoD for is the single player game.

Just my 2 cents

1WOW !!!!!!!!!!1 Realistic scopes omg that is such a bad thing >?

2 did you notice the little option in the game called " MODS " this game will have a long future with plenty of add on mods etc.. COD lived up to "ALL" the hype and am for one pleased

it even surpasses the amount of excitement that I had when I first played MOHAA.
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Default 11-03-2003, 07:56 AM

i don't think i am gonna get this one, probably won't work on ma pc anyway oOo: oOo: happy:
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Ron is Offline
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Default 11-03-2003, 04:54 PM

I think it will be cool, but i havn't played it yet...i'll reply if i ever get the thing working on my comp...apparently my sound card isn't updated or something @!@##$$%% eek: cuss:

wish i could do this to my comp and get that new one activision is giving away in that sweepstakes!
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