ive heard similar stories, and there is even a movie with inmates helping a little town from flooding, good to see the bad doing something positive biggrin:
ive heard similar stories, and there is even a movie with inmates helping a little town from flooding, good to see the bad doing something positive biggrin:
yea, ive seen that movie but ive totally forgot the name of it.
"In a twist of pure, blissful irony, the pyromaniacal inmates incarcerated by
the California Department of Corrections are helping extinguish the fires."
"Yea... I figure... I didn't start the shit. Might as well end it so that someday
I can start one of my own...errrrr... I mean, so that people don't have to live
through something so terrible......errrrr...ever again."
If i were running the country, you'd see more shit like that. I'd have a ton of felons running around in Iraq right now !!
lol oOo:
they probably volunteered for it. fresh air, chance to get out or escape. and it looks good on your next parole application. you can also loot burned out homes the_finger: